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  1. tkhuntsman

    Would you rather

  2. tkhuntsman

    Rio Grande County Colorado

    I'm from there and no it's pretty glassable in most areas there is very little green timber left in any of the units due to beetle kill.
  3. tkhuntsman

    Best Brass?

    I like Petersens or Lapua, ADG is good but it's thicker and requires a reduced load.
  4. tkhuntsman

    What did you do in the reloading room today?

    Tumbled, deprimed, neck sized, and cleaned flash holes and primer pockets on 200 sticks of 6.5 cm brass.
  5. tkhuntsman

    Instinctive shooting

    Three under and instinctive I'm pretty good out to 30 yards and really solid from 20 on in. I've tried split vision and gap both and it just doesn't work as well for me. I haven't had the chance to shoot past 30 but I'd like to try and figure out a gap system for that. Probably won't get to work...
  6. tkhuntsman

    Excited for this year how’d yall season go

    Overall it was mediocre unfortunately. I started well 3 spring gobblers the weather was decent. I didn't get a bear it was a bit slow on that front. Fishing over the summer was great lots of salmon and walleye for the freezer. Cought several large lake trout as well all released cause they just...
  7. tkhuntsman

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    Right let's get this new year started with a bang.
  8. tkhuntsman


    I like a little buffalo trace or blantons sipped on the rocks.
  9. tkhuntsman

    Favorite state for coues deer.

    Well with only 2 options the numbers don't lie I'm going AZ. If you want to drop further south I'll say Sonora.
  10. tkhuntsman

    What does he score?

    Yep I agree if he matched he'd be silly big score. As he is it's a beautiful mature buck north of 150" shooter all day.
  11. tkhuntsman

    27 Res PP CO Units 2,201, or 10. Looking for opinions

    I've been on hunts in 2 and 10 sadly none were my own. 2 was great but access was tough paid a trespass fee to access public land off the beaten path. It was 15 years ago and sadly I'd say that place is gone and unavailable now. 10 was good twice good numbers of elk with good access to public...
  12. tkhuntsman

    Keeping bear meat vs hide only... what do you do?

    Hide makes a good rug, skull makes a good trophy, the meat is delicious (if your not a huge fan of the thought of it turn it into sausage), the rendered fat is one of the most useful natural oils I've ever worked with. I was raised to harvest all useable parts of the game I kill. It's required...
  13. tkhuntsman

    Coyote Katsu!

    I've eaten bobcat and lion both lots of times and I enjoy it. I must admit I've shot hundreds of coyotes for fur and never thought to eat one. I have spent a decent amount of time south of the border and have eaten dog a couple of times. I didn't have to look at them first or cook them though. I...
  14. tkhuntsman

    Weather / conditions in your area

    It's supposed to be 50 deg here this week. Dang it man I just wanna go ice fishing.
  15. tkhuntsman

    Weather / conditions in your area

    Definitely not in Montucky
  16. tkhuntsman

    Weather / conditions in your area

    Central MT has been warmer than average and humid. Snow levels are way below normal. We did get a good storm mid Oct. but nothing since then.
  17. tkhuntsman

    Best or Favorite Bow EVER

    To date my favorite bow ever was a bowtech allegiance. I hunted with it and killed a lot of game over a 8 year span then sold it. I've had lots of bows in my life and currently have a couple of Mathews bows. They shoot awesome and are great but nothing has ever felt quite as good as that old...
  18. tkhuntsman

    How rare is a 200 inch mule deer

    While hunting I'd say 1 in 1000 but I know of several unhuntable urban deer in a couple of states that I have seen for a few years in a row. I personally have killed one and I've hunted mule deer every year for 30 years. I've maybe seen 2 others while hunting that I didn't get shots at. It's not...
  19. tkhuntsman

    What happened to this elk?

    My guess is one of 3 things, ravens, maybe a lion, or another bull found him and worked him over a little. I've seen all 3.