What does he score?

Jul 31, 2018
Dallas, TX
Hey everyone - I don't have any background on guessing a deer's score. I was in a Mexican standoff with this brute a couple evenings ago and was curious what his score might be. I took a YouTube video through my spotter. Here's a photo as well for reference.

Thanks and Happy New Year.

If the right matched the left a whole lot more. He’s a heck of a buck regardless of score.

Just quickly looking from one angle, I’d give him 80” on the left, 55” on the right, and 20” inside spread.

Shoot him and let us know! Good luck and happy new year!

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Yep I agree if he matched he'd be silly big score. As he is it's a beautiful mature buck north of 150" shooter all day.
I think the scores above are in the ball park and flatlander broke it down well. Cool, older buck that would be on my hit list... and wall if he gave me the opportunity.
As I have "matoored" I have come to realize that net scores are a bunch of BS. I used to be an official scorer and over time I began to realize just how many fantastic animals are disqualified for having EXTRA points or oddities! Give an animal the credit due... those points are not invisible!

If a buck tugs at your heart strings, get him. He will be on your wall or in your memories and will matter to no one else.

He is a beauty BTW.
I’d hate to insult a deer like that by quantifying how awesome he is based on an arbitrary measuring system.
I know, it’s not helpful or asked for but there’s my opinion regardless.
Thanks for sharing an awesome deer
He’s a mean looking buck that’s for sure. He’s mean mugging the camera.

I’m not a scorer but I’d have thought he’s a lot higher than 150.

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A tip for quick scoring - add up all his tines, including brows, and if its an "average" deer, add 90. If he's extra wide, heavy, or really long beams (like in this guy's case), add 95. If he's wide and heavy, add 100.. but it takes a lot of extra mass and width to get another 5". Your beams, spread, and mass measurements are usually pretty close - which is why the 90/95/100 thing works well.
This guy would be easily a 180" Deer. However he lacks tine length especially on the G2. It also hurts being a 4 on one side and 5 on the other. With all that being said his mass and main beam length really help. I would guess 160" deer give or take a few inches.