Keeping bear meat vs hide only... what do you do?

Do you harvest bear meat, or just the hide and skull?

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Nov 6, 2022
This will be my first year hunting bear... spring AND fall most likely... and if I'm lucky enough to get one, I'm curious as to harvesting the meat as well, or just taking the hide/skull/etc? I'll be hunting Utah where taking the meat is not required. Just kind of curious what "most" people do. If I did take the meat I would likely donate most of it, I can't imagine eating that much of it in my own circle. Grateful for any input. Thanks!
Do whatever makes you happy, but bear meat is some of the most versatile and delicious game meat. I’d rather have it than deer or elk for burger or ground. And the fat is actually good, either rendered into lard or just left in the meat.

Unless the bear has been eating rotten salmon or something else gross—then it’s inedible.
Hide makes a good rug, skull makes a good trophy, the meat is delicious (if your not a huge fan of the thought of it turn it into sausage), the rendered fat is one of the most useful natural oils I've ever worked with. I was raised to harvest all useable parts of the game I kill. It's required in every state I've killed bears in also. In our American history bear was more taught after and revered than venison.
I shot a montana bear and ground all the meat up. It was much better tasting than any deer meat that I ground up. I wouldn't hesitate packing it out.

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I think I will start shooting monster bucks and just cut the antlers off and let the rest lay where it fell. Not a bear hunter but if I did kill one I would eat it.... Joe
When I hunted bear, I found the smaller / younger ones had the best flavor. The larger ones make nice triphies but after one, I don't see the need. I ate a couple and lost the need to hunt them. I didn't save any of the hides or skulls.
There is no waste in nature. Never seen a carcass that wasn’t picked apart unless it’s a dead coyote. There is waste when meat sits in a freezer for a couple years then finds its way to a landfill.

Maybe the people who would do either of those should take up a new hobby. Golf could be fun.
Thanks for the replies everyone! No garbage dumps or salmon where I’ll be hunting so it sounds like it is good to keep. I hadn’t heard a ton about bear meat so I’m glad to see it is worth saving. Thanks again and happy hunting in 2024 😃