It's hard to make this a binary question as their are shades of douche-baggery. There are brands I won't buy because of their marketing strategy. I don't think they're bad people, I just don't like their model.
I'm going C, try and find another brand that is US made if I can. There is a price point thing in this equation too. If I can buy a comparable non-us made item for 50 bucks and the US made one is 100, I'm going the non-us made item.
I would just not buy from them. I also wouldn’t need to start a thread to make me feel better about it. Seems kinda of d-bagish…..
While I'm assuming the end of your response was tongue and cheek, I can assure you
@92xj is about the farthest thing from a D-Bag I've ever met. While he may live by the following quote from Jane Austin(sorry but its true), he's a super good dude.
“I cannot forget the follies and vices of others so soon as I ought, nor their offences against myself...My good opinion once lost is lost forever. - Fitzwilliam Darcy”
Just to give him some non-dbag cred. Less than a year from open heart surgery/pacemaker(surgery not due to him being unhealthy) the dude came on a bear hunt with me and another guy. No tag, just wanted to come and help. We were there for 5 days, which didn't work with his work schedule, so he drove the 5 plus hours on his own Friday and shared in the packout with us on Sunday. He's followed this up 2 more years, just wants to help. I will also add I was on a solo elk hunt right after he had surgery, pretty sure he checked in on me almost every day to see how it was going. Granted that may have been for his sanity rather than seeing how my hunt was going. He's one of the more generous guys I've met when it comes to his time, willingness to share gear. The amount of times I've sent the Bernie Sanders meme of "I'm once again asking... to borrow your chronograph" seems higher than it should(p.s. I have a Garmin on order you can borrow if you want
Okay, I'll stop pumping up a dude I met off Rokslide years ago when I asked to borrow his kifaru pullout pouches, to see if I could recreate them.