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  1. JG358

    WTS Kifaru Sawtooth and Medium Box Stove

    You willing to split it up? Id be interested in just the sawtooth.
  2. JG358

    Colorado Cow Moose

  3. JG358

    Whats preferred bipod for an elk hunt?

    My bipod stays at home on elk hunts.
  4. JG358

    Would you take this shot?

  5. JG358

    First elk

    Awesome bull, Congrats!
  6. JG358

    24 vs 26 inch Kifaru

    Height and weight doesn't really matter when talking packs, whats your torso length? You want a long enough frame to be able to get good lift. No real disadvantage to the shorter frame if you get lift.
  7. JG358

    Got him!!

  8. JG358

    Is this orange vest legal?

    Highly doubt it
  9. JG358

    Your perfect elk rifle

    35 Whelen Custom on Rem 700 action 250gr A-Frames Leupold 2.5-8x36
  10. JG358

    Best way to carry rifle on my pack

    It takes some getting used to.
  11. JG358

    Advice/Tips for skiddish kids

    My advice would be not to push the matter to hard. I have one kid that is and has always been all about shooting with dad and another that couldn't care less. You cant make your kids like what you like, they do or they don't. Just because they don't now doesn't mean they wont later. They may...
  12. JG358

    Who hunts with newer/older archery equipment

    Shooting a 07 Hoyt Seven37 frankinbow
  13. JG358

    Best way to carry rifle on my pack

    I like the Kifaru gun bearer. If I have no intention of using it, i just strap the barrel to my pack instead of using the top half of the gun bearer.
  14. JG358

    Gear Upgrades?

    I haven't upgraded much of anything the past several years.... about the time I stopped looking at the latest and greatest trendy gear. I'm sure I can improve on something or cut a couple ounces here and there but my set up works just fine for me and if it aint broke, I'm not gonna "fix it".
  15. JG358


    Only place I know like that is Paws Up in Montana.
  16. JG358

    Nothin’ beats...

    A good bird dog!
  17. JG358

    Hows Colorado Archery season been?

    Doesn't seem that distance makes much difference in crowding any more as there are more and more people willing to go the distance. Once you get past the distance the average backpack hunter is willing to hike in, you start to run into the folks on horse back.
  18. JG358

    Dirty game bags

    That was my thought as well.
  19. JG358

    Beware what you ask for wolf lovers

    I was reading up on the group that's doing the petition for reintroduction in Colorado. Was really surprised to see that they use the Yellowstone elk heard stats since reintroduction in their literature as an argument for their side.
  20. JG358

    Tell me why this "2 season" tent will kill me this fall

    Only concern would be snow load... if it snows just keep the snow knocked off it