Same issue in NE WI, many 2.5 and 3.5 bucks getting zipped by crossbows during archery season I have noticed the last 5 years; lucky if a person gets a 4.5 plus now a days. This one got whacked with crossbow by neighbor. Guess they are here to stay unfortunately.
Not sure why i thought about this but for some reason i think it would be cool to see how many users on Rokslide are on this forum by state and the usernames that go with that state. Yes, higher populated states should have more presence but not necessarily. I do think it would help for those...
i too have a cva accura v2 lr. i also shoot the no excuse 420 grain bullets in the .503. At the range all good however i did have a misfire. where are you getting these corks from? if you are actually cutting them down can you explain a bit more as this may be my issue due to the lube on the NE...
I feel like it will always continue to go in this direction of being more difficult to draw tags in the western states. Population in the US continues to rise, and their are only so many states that allow non resident elk hunting. Simple demand and supply. If every state had elk herds it would...
In WI and on the wait list. We too will be switching to Starlink as what we have now is brutal. Will happily pay whatever it takes for reliable internet so wife and kids have service and so does our security system
So this is the issue I keep hearing. My old gun is the Acura V2 LR and I use the magnums however now for the paramount they say to only use the large primers. Anyone shooting magnums out of the paramount?