Yeah they may be worth a try for $39 for a 3 pack. Thought that's what it was at first. I can't see where these are $60 better than other fixed blade COC's.
Thanks for taking the time to post this. I've thought a lot about getting the stainless version of this rifle in 7mm-08. Seems like it'd make a great woods gun that's still capable out to some distance for deer and elk. You don't really hear much about people using the American compact for some...
For an EDC knife. I'll only carry a folder. I have a Benchmade mini grip and a Spyderco Delica 4 for that purpose. For hunting though, I only use fixed knives. It's a lot easier to clean a fixed knife when you get all that gunk on it. Haven't tried a Havalon yet, but I like the concept. I wish...
I'd go with the 280AI for the weight difference mentioned above. I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure you can shoot regular 280 ammo through it in pinch.
Good luck man. Bust a biggun. I've always thought it was weird how the rut is so late down there. I live near the TN-AL line and our rut's in late November. Had a buddy from Hattiesburg, MS that would tell me about going home for Christmas and the rut would just be getting goin.
I get stuck by thorn bushes here when I'm wearing carhartt duck pants. Not sure about cactus needles but would think those would be even worse than thorns.
Updated Savage 116 FCSS 300 Win Mag
I have a Savage 116 FCSS in 300 Win Mag that I bought new in 2012. It's a great shooter and an awesome gun. I've just been wanting to get a lighter, more compact gun so I'm selling this one. Has a few small scratches on the stock and normal wear from...
Man that sounds like a fun trip. If it was me and I was flying to Spokane, I'd spend some time near Coeur d Alene. Never been there, but it looks real pretty. From there, I'd head to Glacier. Next time I'm anywhere near there, I wanna go to Glacier. Then I'd drive down to Bozeman and down to...
I like revolvers as much as the next guy, but for home defense, I don't think they make much sense. A Glock or similar manual of arms is as simple to operate as a revolver but has two or three times the capacity and usually lower recoil. Hard to argue with a a Glock 17 for a plinker and home...
I love euro mounts. You can do it yourself in a day for about 5 bucks. I have a couple shoulder mounts but only way I'll have another done is if I shoot a booner whitetail or maybe some different species someday. It's just so expensive for a good one and they take up a lot of room. Another plus...
This is a great gun and scope combo. Handled one in the fun store the other day and they felt very very nice. They were asking quite a bit more than 675 too. One of you Montana guys needs to jump on this.