Summer Vacation Suggestions.... Idaho, Montana, Wyoming..

Every summer as a kid my family would make the circuit in that part of the country but the place always spent the most time was in the Silver Gate/Cooke City area of MT and that drive over Beartooth pass and into the NE gate of the park and into the Lamar valley is pretty spectacular. There's some great fishing in the area and not many people, even better if you do some easy 2-3 mile hikes.

pretty much my fav area around there, took the wife & 3 kids 3 years in a row about 10 years ago, we stayed in a campground above Gardiner (had elk in velvet feeding in the eve 50 yards from our spot) and made day trips in all directions.
we've been a lot of places since but still talk about that area
For the areas you're considering, the bear situation is the real deal. I don't recall if you can carry in Yellowstone now; I know you couldn't when we went there, but we did anyway. I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. On another occasion I had a can of bear spray explode in a hot car on our way home from a camping trip and I got to tell you, that's the fastest I've seen 4 guys pile out of a Honda Civic and it sucked! I could taste that crap in my mouth for a week. We actually sold the car because of the smell that remained.....funny, that's the 4th car we had to sell due to smell, but the only one that's bear related in any way. Whatever you choose, camp smart and stay safe.
I forgot to say we stayed at Pinehurst resort just South of Riggins and Pat and Juanita are two of the nicest people. You can fish right out the back door of the cabin on the little Salmon.
Man that sounds like a fun trip. If it was me and I was flying to Spokane, I'd spend some time near Coeur d Alene. Never been there, but it looks real pretty. From there, I'd head to Glacier. Next time I'm anywhere near there, I wanna go to Glacier. Then I'd drive down to Bozeman and down to Yellowstone. The kids will love all the bison at Yellowstone. Then you can head on out through the Tetons and hit Salt Lake that way. My wife and I drove to Montana from Tennessee a couple years ago and loved it. Most of our time was spent fishing in Southwest Montana. It was a ton of fun just hanging out outside and seeing the different western towns. Just make sure you do some fishing while you're there. Enjoy it and have a great trip!
I agree what Casned & GFY said I live in the Bitterroot vally I recommend not to stay in Browning , Montana just to be safe & also have Bear Pepper Spray if u hiking

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Been thinking about this...another great family vacation is Bull Hill Guest Ranch a couple hours north of Spokane. This and the MRO raft trip are experiences our family will cherish.
Wondering if we should just hang in Northern idaho and Western Montana this trip. I don't want to make the trip a death drive for the kids. But I still think all of it is possible.. going to dig into the milage etc soon.
We stayed in Island Park Idaho one year and made a day trip into Yellowstone with our kids and that turned into be a complete pain in the ass that wasn't worth it because the amount of traffic....
for us going into the park on the north side was a lot more fun (different trips)
If you are flying into Spokane it is tough to beat Northern Idaho and North Western Montana.

Spokane, Coeur D Alene, Sandpoint, Bonners Ferry, then head towards Whitefish and Glacier. Dream Vacation!!
Yellowstone is amazing but it's two days of your trip driving there and back. You could spend a year between spokane and glacier and not get bored. I can see glacier and the Jewel basin from my house.
Starting to consider flying into Spokane and then flying out of Salt lake city. I think we could still Drive down to Float the Snake river for a day trip that would be (Days 1 & 2) then (Day 3) drive back up to the Priest lake area for lets say (Days 4 & 5). Then we could drive over to the Kalispell area for (Days 6 ,7 & 8). Now comes the hurry up offence, We drive down through Missoula, Butte, Bozeman and try to stay in SW Montana/Cooke City area and visit Yellowstone, Cody, Red Lodge, etc for (Days 9-11) ..After that we head towards the Jackson area for (Days 12 & 13).After that its just a 5 Hour drive to Salt Lake City..
To be honest I know this is probably the wrong way visit and enjoy our time in these Great States. It's hard for a guy to decide what to try and see knowing we may never get a another chance to visit these areas again.. I would like to Imagine me as a Dad being able to bring the family back each year to see new things, but I know that's easier said than done.
Thanks for the advice so far fellas, We may fly into Spokane and end up staying in NW Idaho & NW Montana.. We may get really crazy and drive the 4,000+ mile round trip but I think that would probably be rough on the kids and take up a lot of vacation time getting up there and back.. That and the wife would probably divorce or kill me half way up.. Any other advice you might have let me know! I will be in touch with you guys that invited me to PM them.. Thanks again!
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I'm in the same boat OP. Kids and wife get restless if driving 2 days just to get there and another 2 days back.

Looking for a good centralized location to fly into than renting a vehicle.

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It just not a safe town for family & kid the my opinion I just get gas before u go to Glacier.

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