These damn boxes are the most overpriced, extavagant, piece of damn plastic to ever exist and I hate it cause I want 4 more. Currently running one as my waterfowl, ammo, gun cleaning, and gear stash box. Running another one for my inside tent elk gear camp gear crap, and a 3rd big one as my...
I threw my hat in the ring for a leftover CO bear hunt and actually pulled one. Ain't gonna lie, been bow hunting for 35 years this year and I am feeling way out of my element. I've always hunted around bears but never for bear, probably could have killed a dozen or so out of my treestand back...
I'm liking the versatility of this bag. Thinking about adding another one for a family member and to be used as a back up. This is my second season with it.
After reading the regs on their page now for the 10th time I'm still confused if "pulling" a reissue "List A" tag, on or after August 2nd will burn up the accrued preference points. Just looking for a little help on strategy. The unit I'm interested is not OTC but does have some tags...
Scent work, obdedience training, 30 foot check cord work, make that joker point a hold steady, table work, steady to hand, steady to retrieve, etc. 15 minute short sessions a couple times of day. Morning, afternoon, evening. NAVDHA
Update.... Ordered Hercules tent 2.5 months ago. Finally got my money back. They weren't able to fill the order. They asked me if I wanted to try the Octopeak. If you're looking for refunds be diligent. If they figure their inventory and fulfillment issues out I may try them again.
3 years ago got a mini peak, since sold it but really liked the cost/value component. Would have recommended them to anyone based on the cost. Ordered a Hercules over a month ago now and haven't received product. At this point I've called them, emailed, etc. with no resolution or update. I...
Love me some first lite hoody to start every day whether hot or cold. Their merino seems to feel great, last a long time, and provide unreal odor control. I am currently running 1 brown, 1 black, and 1 grey 150 wick hoodies. Wear them often for casual wear at home which helps justify their...
Lots of good advice on here. Every "body" and everybody is different, but whole real foods, sleep, and good vigorous exercise is really not debatable across all philosophies and medical literature as being beneficial.
Couple of things I would add...
Regarding sleep, some data sets show that...
I used a 30% bismuth blend last year for the first time during the end of season. Pure anecdote but I felt like the blended stuff just hit harder with less cripples. Especially liked the performance during windy hunts. Haven't used it on sea ducks yet which will be the real test. Overall I'm...