Search results

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    Let’s see those 2019 antelope

    First Wyoming antelope from saturday, right at 14.5". Really fun stalk and an all around great hunt. First look at him from about 1.25 miles through the spotter
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    Relocation out west

    I relocated to Sheridan Wyoming this past spring and it has been a fantastic move so far. I was also 28 and single with no kids so I figured it would be a great time to pack up and make the move. I lucked out and found my dream job so it made the move pretty easy. I cant say enough good things...
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    FNG from Western WY

    Sheridan, WY for me! Welcome to the forum!
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    What does everyone do for a living?

    I am a wildlife biologist and land surveyor for an engineering firm that works on developing oilfields in the west
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    Any NYers looking to go to Montana in 2020?

    I used to drive out from Canandaigua every fall, id meet some college buddies down in PA and make the trip. I moved to Sheridan, WY this spring though, so the drive will be a little shorter this fall up to Montana. Im amazed you cant find anyone else that would want to go. I always had people...
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    WTB Anyone willing to part ways with a Ruger Redhawk?

    there was one on here for 625$ recently
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    Alaska moose antler.

    If you want it to look perfect Tom is the right guy to send it to. Nobody will be able to tell is has been repaired or altered
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    Alaska moose antler.

    Tom Sexton is the best in the antler repair/rebuilding business, he is based in Iowa and his phone number is 319-622-3021. His business is called five point studio
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    New Head of BLM

    as a ploy and a distraction to keep your eyes off the real plan and end goal
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    New Head of BLM

    Heres a link that allows you to easily send a pre-drafted letter in opposition from BHA <!-- Plugin BEGIN --> <script...
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    New Head of BLM

    This appointment along with the dismantling and moving of all the BLM offices from D.C. is the beginning of this administrations slow quiet plan to transfer more land. Just my opinion... but things will not get better because of these changes
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    How Much of Your Income do You Spend on Hunting?

    Id say mine is closer to 25-35% depending on the year
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    Montana Muley

    I would throw Haxby and Jordan on the list
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    Montana Muley

    I would head to southeast Montana. Plenty of chunks to spread out on with that many people going...
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    WY Region J - Advice

    we put some serious miles on trying new ares to try and find pockets of deer too. We hunted down near rock river, west of wheatland, west of glendo, binford, esterbrook, and areas south of douglas all with relatively little luck. ill send you a PM with an area that I would check out if I was...
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    WY Region J - Advice

    I hunted J back in 2016, it was a pretty rough hunt. The game biologist from that area and the butchers in the area pretty much told us that we would be lucky to find 3 points and if we saw anything bigger than a 14" 3 point that we better shoot it. We hunted hard for a week and never turned up...
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    Petroleum Industry Careers

    I am a wildlife biologist for a gas and oil engineering company that develops the fields. We are really busy and it looks like it will be steady for a while. There are several hotspots just in wyoming right now that are cranking up as well as development in portions of colorado and wind energy...
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    WTS Lecia ER5 2x10x50

    PM sent
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    WTS Lecia ER5 2x10x50

    I'd take it for 500 today if you'll do it
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    Mystery Ranch Marshal Pack

    I just sold the same exact pack on eBay for 480$, it sold in one day. I'd throw it on there if it doesn't sell quick on here