I do it all the time with no issues. 26" bikini frame and several different bags from a HC7000 to a T3. I never have it full and always strap it down good. I have seen granola eating backpackers with 60L bags full on the plain so many times I figured keeping my personals in my kifarua and under...
Congrats, [Like others have said the first one is cool, nice to do and have but after that it gets tiresome and expensive. Inside 30 yards I am shooting at different spots. Start shooting for groups from 40 to 100 yards.
The only time I get robin hoods now is when tunning my bow with bareshafts...
I Bought the Prime Rize this year. First Prime bow I have ever owned. Love the damn thing, The grip is MONEY!
My shoulders issues forced me to look at smoother draw bows and I shot a bunch. It came down to Elite and Prime, the grip is what sold me and the Rise just felt a smidgen more stable...
I have personally never hunted with a verifier, an old guy at local range said he tried it and didn't like it as dirt, water, debris kept getting into it.
spot and stalk hunting in my back yard, congrats you will have a blast. I spot and stalk (call) everything under the sun in our Province. While I am a fixed blad guy for the most part, I do use TT Ulmer edges on long shots over 60 yards or if I feel the wind might be an issue. For mule deer I...
I have been using Gold Tip for years but brand isn't nearly as important as getting the proper spine for what ever arrow you shoot. For any particular brand I always go with straightness Tolerance of .003 or better, usually I use the .001's.
Looks great. You thinking of putting a net shod skirt around the base?. It would allow you to ventalet better while keeping the bugs out, rather than having to keep the pitch tight.
Anyone use them? How did they fly and hold up on game? Locale Cabelas has a big sale on them right now and thinking of picking up a few packs. I usually keep 2 Elmer edges in the quiver for windy days or longer follow up shots but sadly they have been discontinued.
Practice shooing, lots, be it a bow or rifle. If rifle, pick up a .22LR and go out plink shooting (stumps, cans etc) with the .22 you can shoot it 2 or 3 thousand times and it won't cost very much. and like Nick says - shoot everything you can legally.
My son uses the Savage lightweight hunter in 7-08. He loves the dam thing. Very short and handy and points naturally. He took a nice big elk this year with it at 491 yards (ranged). I have shot the gun and really like it other than the above mentioned slopy feel to the action. If I ever buy a...