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  1. Q

    WTB Nikon P-22 Rifle Scope w BDC Reticle

    Hello All, I used one of these Nikon scopes quite a few years ago, and really liked it. If you have one that you are willing to part with then let me know. I really don't need one, and am not interested in any alternative. I just liked this scope and couldn't afford it when it was available...
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    Suppressor wait times

    My local guy just did the Form 3 for me, so once he gets it I can start the Form 4 process. Never done it before, so don't really know what to expect. This thread is helpful. I'll let you guys know what happens.
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    Your Power Song...right now..

    Take the Power Back by Rage Against the Machine. Always.
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    Mods Please Delete

    Agreed wholeheartedly. I didn't know what to say because the OPs mind seemed made up. Who cares about a heartbeat monitor when compared to a watch with a heartbeat of its own?
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    Mods Please Delete

    Bummer. That vintage of Planet Ocean is really nice. Good luck with your smart watch purchase.
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    Mods Please Delete

    Which Omega did you have?
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    Is Rokslide a Cult? Is Fishnet Form the RokLeader?

    Either this isn't a cult, or I'm not a member. I have no idea what you're talking about.
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    your good (or not so good) customer service interactions of late

    Lately, at Sportsman's Warehouse, the credit card reading computer has been forcing me to answer a survey question BEFORE I pay. Which just seems so weird. I don't want to answer any survey questions, and it seems really underhanded to me to force me into it before I can complete my business...
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    WTS/WTT Leica Ultravid 8x50 HD

    This is the best binocular deal on the forum right now. 8x50 is not a popular configuration for hunting, but it should be. Super bright and stable. And they're Ultravids, which are in my opinion the best line of binoculars ever made.
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    A nation of wimps?

    Yeah, now-a-days people go onto the internet to whine about everything and everybody. In my day a man just kept his complaints to himself.
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    As a Juror, would you vote to convict someone that killed a wolf?

    As a jury member I would follow the instructions from the judge, consider the law and the facts, then vote appropriately.
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    Wayne La Pierre Resigns

    Wasn't he like cartoonishly corrupt? I don't remember the details, but there was some crazy allegations a while back.
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    Bic is the Glock of lighters

    Haha. a 20 year old Bic lighter? That's gotta be a record. Mine last for a couple months before I lose them forever.
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    Can we unite as Hunters?

    Nah. Teamwork isn’t my thing.
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    All Time High Stock Market

    I do not understand the economy. Or stocks. Or currency. Not even a little. I also have this mental block when someone tries to explain it to me, they always seem like they're full of sh*t.
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    PSA: Welder Flash Burns Suck

    Ugh. I'm sorry to hear that man. I hope you feel better soon. Eye injuries are the worst.
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    Whats on your Christmas list?

    I just wrote a list today because my mom asked me to. A few tools - a bandfile, a sander, and a brad nailer. Also a pair of pants. Never used a bandfile before, I hope I get one. It's the first time I have asked for anything specific in a long time. I've been donating a ton of my time to helping...
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    Man card forfeit address?

    You don't have to surrender your man card! Not yet anyway. Build a fire, punch someone in the face, eat a steak, and chug a beer. If you do all that, then you'll just be on probation for six months. If, during that six months, you don't do anything girly like smell a flower or moisturize your...
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    How many have strictly done a predator hunt (Wolf)

    I have not hunted predators, and at this point in my hunting career am not interested in it. Cheers to those that do it and enjoy it.
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    The importance of Made in USA

    Nice post. Thanks. Also, thanks for your service in the military. Also, buy local if you can.