I have been impressed by the Magellan 100 qt "icebox" cooler. At $300 with wheels and 2 types of handles, I'd just as soon have it as a Yeti. It has latches with push buttons in center of latches to open from either side.
Not trying to be all up in your business, but I've learned from starting out over a hundred kids and ladies the length stock they can manage on targets, especially prone, is not the same lop they shoot well in the field under pressure.
You must be really picky on stocks.
Browning sells plenty of stainless rifles. Heck I prefer blued and probably have over a dozen stainless Brownings.
I bought an 18 inch 308 x-bolt SR recently for $600ish in hand. Wasn't stainless though. I'll send em a memo on stainless v cerakote.
The x-bolt stocks are fine. Many really good.
If you want a shorter barreled x-bolt, just sell the one you have and buy one with a shorter barrel. Resale on used x-bolt and a-bolt 1 & 2 are very good. Definitely better than tikka (at least in the southeast us).
I probably have 10 and haven't shot any of em in at least 5 years. Shot alot of magnums and small calibers. Guess the 30-06 is so on point that it's boring.
A friend gave me a $2500 Boykin at 14 months a few weeks ago. He inventories counters and begs food in your face as bad as any I've ever seen. Bunch of reprogramming to do here.
Difference is the x-bolt only needs a $15 shipped trigger spring. I don't even change those. No need for all the changes Tikka fan boys require on their rifles.
Yes, but I do have some astigmatism. Not a huge amount, cause I've had the peepers worked on a few times which corrected most.
An illuminated tiny dot always seems better to my eyes than an illuminated cross.