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  1. Hardly_Hangin


    Well we definitely got the humidity here, could cut the air with a knife nearly. Plus the rain had everything soaked. Usually the misquitos are ravinous but my premetherin seemed to keep them at bay. All kinds of yellow jackets to dodge though.
  2. Hardly_Hangin


    With September quickly approaching, i decided some backcountry hiking would be a great way to get in some rucking and test out my overnight gear. Last night i got off work, drove to trailhead, walked as far as i could before dark/rain. Made camp, slept decent (rained/thundered all night...
  3. Hardly_Hangin


    OHP 3x3 Deadlift 3x3 2 rounds double kb circuit: -Clean to alternating OHP to squat to rack reverse lunge x5 -pushup to row to deadlift x5 -pushup x5 -Row x5 -deadlift x5
  4. Hardly_Hangin


    Squat 3x3 Bench 3x3 5 minutes EMOM armor series (below), with a decently heavy KB: 2 offset KB cleans 1 offset KB snatch to overhead squat 3 single arm kb deadlift switch sides and repeat repeat above, but with 2 KBs together instead of offset that total more weight than I used before, E30sOM
  5. Hardly_Hangin


    OHP 5x5 Deadlift 5x5 Farmers walk 400ft each side Waiters walk 200ft each side Rack carry 200ft each side Farmers walk 200 ft each side 15 kb snatches each side 10 kb clean and press each side 50 kb swings
  6. Hardly_Hangin


    Squat 3x5 Bench 3x5 3 rounds kb conditioning circuit Push mowed my 1 acre lawn with 50# in my pack
  7. Hardly_Hangin


    OHP 5,3,1 Deadlift 5,3 1 25 kb snatches each side 50 double hand kb swings Farmers carry step ups
  8. Hardly_Hangin

    Why Strength Train

    Yes, i lifted for sports in highschool pretty seriously. I overestimated what weights to start at and how quickly i could add weight and stalled out pretty quick. In retrospect i should have started lower on deadlift and made smaller jumps on squat. Good call! Based on some feedback i got when...
  9. Hardly_Hangin

    Why Strength Train

    Great dialoge in this thread - very interesting articles. Hoodie for record no offense taken! At the end of 4 weeks i hit 325x5 on squat, 225 x5 bench, 140x5 OHP and 360x5 deadlift. I will probably revisit this program after seasons are over.
  10. Hardly_Hangin


    Squat 5,3,1 Bench 5,3,1 3 rounds kb circuit with stretching during breaks
  11. Hardly_Hangin


    2.2 miles 732' elevation gain unweighted
  12. Hardly_Hangin


    Push mowed lawn, shoveled 10 wheelbarrow loads if dirt out culvert ditch, and strung and broke green beans for canning
  13. Hardly_Hangin

    Why Strength Train

    I agree, i was pretty aggressive with my squat progression and started too high with deadlift.
  14. Hardly_Hangin


    OHP 3x3 Deadlift 3x3 3 rounds kb strength/conditioning circuit
  15. Hardly_Hangin

    Knight Ultra-Lite - Ace in the Hole (or other pic rail with sight)

    I spoke to williams tech support today and he said the new models will be skeletized and offer fluorescent reticles - also theyre coming out with an ace in the hole type rear site compatible with the western front sight Both wont be out till august but are available for preorder
  16. Hardly_Hangin

    Muzzleloader Elk in Colorado - Bullet Choice

    Bumping this thread - i have a traditions buckstalker and was looking at buying some thor bullets. Whats your experience been with hollow point vs ballistic tip? What grain bullet? I just bought today for this september, i was planning on using my powerbelts but i didnt realize the barrel...
  17. Hardly_Hangin


    Squat 3x3 Bench 3x3 3 sounds KB strength/ conditioning circuit
  18. Hardly_Hangin


    Warmup 5 rounds of KB circuit below single arm swings left/right x30s each Rest Offset cleans left/right x30s each Rest Offset Rack squat left/right x30s each Rest Then a bunch of snatches, swings and rows - too long to type out
  19. Hardly_Hangin


    Squat 5x5 Bench 5x5 Kb cardio circuit Goblet squat 10-8-6-4-2 Swings 10-8-6-4-2 Deadlift 10-8-6-4-2 Goblet walk 50ftv after each interval
  20. Hardly_Hangin

    To Drive or Fly? Fuel Costs Predictions for October

    I'm in the same boat, from north georgia to Colorado in September. I called different taxidermists and processors, they all ballparked between $1800-2500 to ship meat and a euro mount of we decided to fly. Considering flying out and planning on renting vehicle to drive back, still up in the...