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  1. M

    Group count / number of shots before letting cool

    I go to the range to shoot not wait around. I have always fired 10 round groups to get a better picture of accuracy. While the first round is important so are follow up shots under real world conditions. Most guys will never put enough rounds down range to wear out a barrel. Sent from my...
  2. M

    The different cuts of an elk?

    Happy wife for the win. I have found that using the course grind plate on our grinder is what the wife likes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    The 6UM

    No, I’m thinking Ryan gonna have some giraffe skin Crocs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Recently missed a caribou on a hunt of a lifetime. What caused the miss?

    I realize I don’t have the environmental conditions so it’s not gonna be spot on but running the numbers on my 18”CM I lean towards your shot angle was off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. M

    Bicep tendonitis

    If you haven't had an injury to the area, it sounds like it's being overworked/overused. Do you rotate your pressing movements, or do you do the same movements for every workout? How often are you working chest?
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    The 6UM

    How much penetration did you get?
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    The 6UM

    Any idea how much meat they get off the animal?
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    Efficient strategies for combining mountain rucking and field practice

    I prefer to drop off some steel targets along a hiking route, which I try to find at different angles and distances. I GPS them when I drop them off, so I go back and pick them up at the end of the year.
  9. M

    Lower back strengthening.

    Because it might take you a while to get in to see a PT, Google or YouTube McGills big 3. There are more than just 3 exercises that DR. McGill has come up with but the big 3 are a great place to start. Start doing these exercises now don’t wait to get into a PT. Obviously if you have pain doing...
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    Recently missed a caribou on a hunt of a lifetime. What caused the miss?

    7.4 MOA seems like a lot for that distance and you missed low, correct? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Recently missed a caribou on a hunt of a lifetime. What caused the miss?

    What did you dial? What’s your velocity and bullet? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. M

    Lower back strengthening.

    Start with a Physical Therapist, they can evaluate you and give you better guidance. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. M

    What cartridge should I use?

    Not a good sample size, but I have had 4 AD’s with 2 different R700’s. #1 AD - when it was placed up against a tree. Thought it was a fluke. #2 AD - same rifle when it was set on the ground on its left side. Rifle went to GS and a new trigger was installed. #3 AD - same rifle new trigger and no...
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    The 6UM

    Probably fake news, because I read the same thing. The 6mm bullet most likely just bounced off the giraffe because it’s a tough animal like an elk.
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    Lower back strengthening.

    Start with the McGill big 3, which can be done at home, then move onto strengthening the entire core area. Be sure to work all planes of movement to eliminate one weak area that causes everything else to compensate for it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. M

    Hornady ELDM/ELDX Velocity-gate (7PRC)

    No, Hornady put out a letter going over this but still has not adjusted the listed velocity on the box. To get the most out of the cartridge you will need to reload and if your gonna reload you can get more out of the old 7mag. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. M

    Savage 110 ultralite

    Yes, but I realized that I was talking about the Elite lightweight version not the regular lightweight version. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    What cartridge should I use?

    Whatever one you have the most confidence in is your choice and, of course, suppressed.
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    Motorcycle Hunting

    There are a lot of LED lights you can use for a headlight I use Oxbow lights and they are great. I have bike and helmet mounted lights. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. M

    Equipment versus practice posts and Rifle practice/shooting

    Have someone record you while you are shooting it’s amazing what you will see yourself doing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk