Recent content by Squincher

  1. S

    All around deer hunting cartridge.

    You could be randomly assigned to hunt deer forever with any of dozens cartridges and kill every deer you ever shot at. I based my choice on availability as much as anything.
  2. S

    Bringing game back to US from Canada

    The last time I brought back a moose, all I had to do was fill out a short half page form on the U.S. side. The meat was already processed and frozen and the antlers and skull were cleaned up. They took the form and sent me on my way. No one actually went out and looked at anything. Same...
  3. S

    Lithium deposit found near Gunnison

    Most of the grey in the world is made up wiggle room used by those trying to justify not doing the right thing.
  4. S

    Lithium deposit found near Gunnison

    It isn't the people around me. It's usually some internet "expert."
  5. S

    New Winchester Model 70 Super Grades. Good?

    Walnut and .270 would be my choice. Iconic rifles, if a bit heavy.
  6. S

    Newberg says a $40 elk tag (or whatever it cost) is a $25,000 elk tag for residents.

    My post was very simple and I believe you know exactly what I mean, welfare recipients who feign ignorance not withstanding. I'm not circling anywhere. I mean exactly what I posted.
  7. S

    Lithium deposit found near Gunnison

    Every time someone has told me a situation is "more complex," they were trying to mislead me.
  8. S

    What do you want from your woman?

    27 years? You're already providing what a man wants from a woman. I'll bet he would be just as happy with a card and an evening out as with anything else.
  9. S

    Newberg says a $40 elk tag (or whatever it cost) is a $25,000 elk tag for residents.

    The allocation depends on the party to which your Senators belong and which party is in control. Socialism and communism? You mean like other states being forced to pay expenses for states that can't support themselves?
  10. S

    Legality of shooting TOWARD a road?

    You would have to check your state statutes regarding legality. In my state it is not illegal to shoot toward a roadway, but if you have a ricochet or pass through, or just miss, and the bullet goes across the road, you are in violation regardless of your intentions.
  11. S

    Dream hunts a 20 year old should build points for?

    You're setting yourself up for a big "I wish I would have...." inasmuch as you are going to have the points rug pulled out from under you on many occasions at your age, and not everyone goes without health problems into their 50's. It sounds like you are going to have the financial wherewithal...
  12. S

    wolves, we have enough.....

    You weren't struck by the pretentious douchebaggery of that statement when you heard the professor say it?
  13. S

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    Good company. It's hard to ask for any more than that for something that wasn't their fault.
  14. S

    Legalized robbery that needs to stop.

    One would think a man would be embarrassed not to be able to pull his own weight, but then you have to consider the entire state was settled by people willing to live on Satan's butthole because they could get it for free. Sort of brings into focus the attitude of some of their descendants.
  15. S

    Burden of Proof - 2nd Amendment

    Providing your SSN should have ensured you didn't get mixed up with someone else. Sounds like someone dropped the ball.