I have zero experience killing a mountain goat but will hopefully have some this coming year.
I’ll be using 7 mag eldx 162 grain so hopefully that’ll do the trick.
I’ve got only one sheep under my belt but I shot mine with Seekins havak ph2 7 rem mag at 465 with Hornady eld-x 162 grain. He didn’t make it far.
It will be my sheep hunting gun.
He may have not been lying though. You ever tried to fight or wrestle a meth/crackhead?? I’ve unfortunately had the pleasure of that and some of them have freaking super human powers 🤣
Best bet to fight off a 100 pound dog with no weapons, be a black belt in BJJ or take a hit of crack right...
I think a lot of people underestimate the true power of a 100 pound dog.
Just wrestling a 50-60 pound dog that doesn’t want to get a vaccine (I’m a vet) can be a rodeo in itself let alone fighting a dog twice that size going into kill mode…a lot of people would have a lot more trouble than...
I’ve got the ph2 and really like the gun. It shoots Hornady eld-x great. I’m not a custom gun or hand load guy so to have a gun that shoots so well without having to hand load was great and didn’t want to drop the gun on a custom gun either.
Would highly recommend
Yea definitely not something I would do in Mexico with a rifle. I wouldn’t even really want to check into a hotel with it even though Hermosillo is probably very accustomed to with hunters. We just went airport to ranch and back when we left.
Just like anywhere, if you go looking for trouble or...
Really easy. About 2 months prior outfitter had asked for all info on gun, scope and ammo. Couple of weeks before arrival we received the permit and just had to confirm all numbers were good.
Getting through customs actually took a while because there were like 6 guys ahead of me but once it...
Just got back from an amazing trip to Sonora, MX where I was able to harvest my first sheep. Some yall may remember I posted a thread about me winning a raffle and this is the hunt. I made the shot on him at 465 yards and heart punched him and he was down after I put another insurance round in...
I’ll be flying and have an import permit for firearm and bullets so I “should” be good to go. 😂
I live in south Texas as well and would never cross any of my vehicles for risk of bullets in them, plus I rarely go over anymore.