1-arrow cold bow 7-day challenge, sponsored by Black Ovis

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
Hey Roksliders. Even though I've been shooting a hunting bow since I was 12 years old, I only consider myself proficient and far from expert. Seems like I hit the accuracy ceiling about 15 years ago.

I shoot between 500 and 2,000 arrows a year. With work, I've never been able to join winter leagues, and my summer 3-D archery is minimal to nonexistent. Not a lot I can do about that right now at this stage in life.

However working in the sports field as my regular job, and listening to some of the top archers, (and professionals in many fields,) the concept of "perfect practice "is something I know I can work on.

By perfect practice, all I mean is intensity over volume – making sure every arrow counts vs. just shooting a sheer volume of arrows.

I also subscribe to the school of thought that in hunting the only arrow that really counts is your first one with no warm up.

With this in mind, I'd like to start a challenge among ourselves to post up photos of seven arrows in seven days, shot off a cold bow and in whatever conditions the weather is giving at that moment with no practice between days.

This should really help each one of us evaluate what our own maximum effective (MEY) yardage really is.

Right or wrong, I've always thought mine to be 70 yards. Let's not turn this thread into an argument about MEY. Let's just document the facts of our current skill set and see if we we're living in reality.

Here are the rules:

1) start a post in this thread anytime this summer.

2) Call the yardage that you think is your maximum effective range.

3) commit a week or so to shooting one arrow a day (doesn't have to be consecutive days, just don't practice between days) and taking a photo of that arrow's placement on a target that represents the kill zone size of your intended species.

4) it's a seven arrow challenge, so post a photo each day in your original post for easy viewing for all (versus seven posts scattered out over multiple pages). You can just use the edit post function, then you'll have all seven arrows in one post.

5) Be sure and mention the conditions, wind direction, and it's fine to call your shot: "pulled left" for example.

6) give us a quick summary on your equipment. This is a gear site and we all want to know what our buddies are shooting.

7) finally, this is not a competition, but because we're generous and we have some great sponsors, I'll be drawing for $100 gift certificate to the Black Ovis Store from all qualified entries with their 7 photos posted by June 30.

Main thing is just commit to posting your first arrow photo. If you screw it up and make a poor shot, that's OK and really the purpose of the challenge. Then you'll see what you're truly capable of in the field.

I started mine today and should be able to complete the challenge in seven days. But whatever time-frame works for you. Just don't practice between days so as not to skew the results.

You can subscribe at "thread tools" top of this post, if you'd like a notification every time someone posts.

Tony Trietch, fellow Rokslide writer, will also be participating in this along with me – so we'll have at least two staff participating.

I'm shooting Athens Convixtion, 68 pounds, Ripcord rest, Black Gold Ascent (2014,) Gold Tip Kinetic Platinum arrows in Tight Spot 5-arrow quiver.

I'm choosing 70 yards as my MEY, using a 9-inch bull, as that's roughly the size of the kill zone on a big mule deer.

Here's today's:
great sight picture at release

Day #2:
great sight picture at release

Day #3:

Held into wind half-tip of pin, but settled back on spot just as I released.

Day #4:

Light wind so held right on. Great sight picture at release

Day # 5:

No compensation for wind. Great sight picture at release. I get more nervous each day when I know it's time to go out and shoot

Day # 6:

Good sight picture at release. Eyes just a little blurry this morning.

Here's Day # 7 pic or you can see the video below:

Good sight picture at release but nervous!

Tony T had the idea of a video for the last day and Ryan K Sanpei did one already, so I followed the lead (the next level of pressure is adding video) Here's how it all ended for me:
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270 degrees. A little on the warm side today Robby!

Great idea and good thread. Thanks.

I should've clarified on that. That's pilot talk and means 270° is the direction the wind was coming from. The top of my target is 0 degrees, pointed North, so 270 would be a west wind coming across the target

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We really should be doing this with BH's. I can't really get much past 50 right now because of my wood pile, but I'll see what I can do.

Ok, just went out and shot at 50. Historically, I'm pretty decent at this type of shooting (first arrow) as I do it all summer long like this, but usually with BH's. I also shoot at the edges of my target face and between the color circles sometimes so I don't get tunnel vision to the center of the target. Shooting a 2014 PSE Freak SP at 70lbs with 532gr GT Kinetic XT 200's, SH Hunter 7-pin sight, QAD Hdx rest, and Tightspot quiver with a Tru-Ball Cyclone trigger caliper release.

Day 1......80 degrees, slight wind that seemed to be swirling.......I didn't adjust for it. But I knew at the release I was holding just a tad low, but it was locked on so I hit the trigger.

Day 2......75 degrees, wind from the left.

Day 3......70 degrees, have no idea what the wind was doing but it was about 190 and strong enough that I actually let down once, and I rarely ever let down.

Day 4......33 degrees, no wind, freezing rain. Quite the contrast to the previous 3 days. Graduation day for my oldest, so needed to get out early and get the shot done.

Day 5......37 degrees with a strong left to right wind. Decided to switch up to BH's so threw on a 125gr Shuttle T. You can tell that even from 50, it doesn't like the cross wind.......which is one reason why I started shooting some mechanicals.

Day 6......31 degrees with no wind. BH again. This one was shot at 5:55am just after first light.

Day 7......68 degrees with negligible wind and BH. I just noticed from the pic that it almost went in the same hole as yesterdays. Just a touch off of it.







This was fun. Thanks for starting it up, Robbie. Now let's do something similar except shooting after holding at full draw for two minutes each time.;)
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And you still hit a little left with a slight left wind.;)

We really should be doing this with BH's. I can't really get much past 50 right now because of my wood pile, but I'll see what I can do.

Yeah good thing for the wind I wouldn't even of been in the vitals, ha ha. And by the way, it was a good release great site picture, but the truth is the truth. I can't do it with broadheads until August because that's when I sight them in.

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1st arrow cold bow 7-day challenge, sponsored by Black Ovis

For clarification, are you wanting the cold shot taken at the maximum yardage every day or at different random yardage?

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Same yardage every day, your maximum effective yardage What this will do is force us to adjust our maximum effective yardage if we can't stay in the vitals.

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I shoot 25-50 arrows almost every day. It's like my nicotine I guess........not sure I could give that up. I should have read the rules a little closer.

Yep I love to shoot a lot too, but that's why put together this challenge because my best day on the range is no reflection of my best day on the mountain. I practice a little in camp but for the most part it's one shot and I may not of drawn my bow in two days, but I got to make that shot count.

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Great idea Robby!
While I agree with 5MB on about shooting every day, I'm so busy right now, the one arrow a day will work out fine for me for 7 days.

Shooting a Hoyt Carbon Defiant Turbo @71#-29" draw. 432 grain Victory VAP 300 spine with 18% foc.
Trophy Taker Smackdown Pro rest.
Option Archery Platinum Option 8 sight and Option Archery Quivalizer.

I choose 100 yards. I'd love to be slinging the arrows into my Matrix Target, but I accidentally left it in Kansas at my rancher friends farm.

Today's arrow was the first since Saturday.

Today it's a bluebird day and 70 degree. Not much wind to speak of.

Day 2. 78 degrees. 5-10mph Wind @ 90* from shooters right. Didn't expect this result as a gust picked up at release. Gotta love small diameter shafts and low profile vanes in the wind!

Day 3. I'll blame the high miss on the wind that was blowing straight at me from the target at 15mph. Temp is high 70s. The Hoyt is treating me well.

Day 4. 50 degree raining and blowing 20+. I held the bubble on the sight to the left line to adjust windage. It needed a bit more.

Day 5. 55 degrees with a 5-10mph wind at shooters back.


Day 6. 50 degree. Wind 15-20mph quartering into me from shooters left. Raining. Feeling good shooting this spring.

Final Day!


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Im in , will update on this post. Setting up a new to me bow this week so ill start in the next week or two

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I'm just a lowly finger shooter but will try to play this summer when I get the new Bow dialed in👍Won't be any 70 or 100 yd shooting that could get expensive🙏
Ill join in once I get my new bow sighted in. I'm no where near your guys range I'll be shooting at 60 yards
I guess Ill try it at 70. I only have a 60 pin right now but Im fair at gapping. This is my first shot in a few weeks. No wind to speak of.
Elite gto 80#, 29", gold tip kentic 200s with 170gr points.

Day 1

Day 2. 15 mph tailwind

Day 3. Calm conditions but taken first thing when I got out of bed. No food or coffee. Blurry eyes. Makes me reaalize I should shoot in the morning once in a while. I think it would still be a kill but its definitely not optimal.

Day 4. Swirling and gusting wind. Shot felt great but landed 2.5" low.

Day 5. Finally fired the perfect arrow. Conditions are pretty much always the same here. Mid 70s and swirling wind. I had some help today too.

Day 6. Just got back from a morning hunt. We got 4" of rain last night and still a light drizzle. Not much wind. I pulled it left at release and it landed a couple inches left. Still happy with it. Im going to do an elevated heart rate/fatigued shot tomorrow for the last day.

Day 7. I tried to outrun a thunderstorm and failed. I got dumped on the entire last mile and during the shot. Ive always wanted to try shooting after a workout or run. I could definitely tell a difference when drawing the bow back. I waited until it let up to take the pic so I could dry my phone out some. I definitely see a pattern as most of my bad shots are pulled left.

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I'm in too ! I'm pretty green when it comes to archery, I've only been shooting for a few months. I will pick 60 yards to shoot at, not because I think this is my max effective range, but because it's more challenging than 20 yards, and my 5 pin maxes out at 60 at the moment. This may actually force me to use the Tapatalk thingy. And 5milesback, why don't you just use your first arrow of the day ?

Hopefully the pictures worked,cause that was easy with tapatalk.
There's my shot for the night, and it looks like a lucky one. 60 yards, 65 lb, 29.5 dl, 2017 PSE Carbon Air with HD cams, Gold Tip Hunter XT 340 spine with no extra weights or anything, I think they weigh about 400 gn, and go about 295 fps or so. Forgot to add : minimal wind, not raining for a change, and I was aiming for the red dot under the 6 inch mark.

Well I think I might have a horseshoe in an uncomfortable place. Calm wind, couldn't ask for a better night.


This is a closer approximation of my usual shooting at 60. For some reason, my wife felt compelled to add another sticker to aim at, even though there are 6 on the target already. We are having some trouble with her now, though. Calm again tonight.
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***Sorry but I had to remove some images. 8 is max per post***

I'll be one of your "distance challenged" participants. ;)

Here are my current specs for my hunting bow.
56" Stalker Coyote with static recurve limbs
52# @ 27"
Victory VForce Arrows
503 grains

With my stickbows, the farthest I practice is out to 50 yards. At the 3D range I typically keep my shots under 30 yards and while hunting I try to keep my shots under 20 yards. In terms of hunting, I'd have to say that my effective yardage is just under 20 yards, but because I'm shooting at foam, I'm going to keep my shots at 25 yards. It should make for an interesting challenge for me as our static bales at the range are at 10 yard increments and when we walk the 3D course, I usually don't guess yardages. For the "trad guys" who understand gap shooting, I will not gap this specific yardage as I don't shoot a dedicated gap while hunting.

I made a 25 yard lane at my house. Today was my first day. The wind was blowing on and off at 10-20 mph. I tried to wait for a lull before the shot.


Today I decided to up my game. Kneeling shot, with my facemask and I screwed on my broadhead. Typically my field points and broadheads group together as that's the first thing that I do when setting up and tuning a new bow. My bow doesn't get to play unless broadheads are dialed in. My shots in the field vary, so I decided to take a kneeling shot with both knees down. I also used my facemask. I try to use my facemask when possible, but sometimes I don't have the time or don't feel the need to use it. I was a little nervous today I as haven't had much practice time with this built in mask. In the second image, you should be able to see the cut from the two blade broadhead.


For the last two days, I shot in the afternoon with the sun at my back and after working out. Today I decided to do a “cold body”, sun in the eye shot. Woke up, grabbed my bow and walked outside to take my shot. Today I missed. For the sized animals that I’m currently hunting, I consider anything outside of a four inch radius a miss.


I tried to redeem myself this morning, but failed. Today I took my cold bow shot with my backpack and bino pack on with one knee up. If possible, I usually drop my pack on the final approach, but there are times when I need to pull off a quick shot and can’t remove my backpack. Because of the string angles on my stickbow, I need to be sure to practice as the pack straps can be a hinderance. For this specific pack, I need to slack my left strap a little and tighten my sternum strap. If shooting from the kneeling position, I prefer to shoot with two knees down, but given the terrain, it’s not always possible. ***Day 4 Reflection on page 3***


Since I missed the deer yesterday, I'm shooting at a different animal today. LOL! In addition, I'm shooting with an elevated heart rate. I put on a weighted vest and did a bunch of step ups. Immediately after the step ups, I took my shot. My shot was taken in the afternoon and I did a little better.


Since our 3D range was open today, I went down to take an elevated shot. With my rangefinder, I made sure that the shooting distance was 25 yards. I was in a rush since I had a friend block the lane and I forget to set my rangefinder for "line of sight" but visually it looked like around 30 yards. Today's shot was to the right again. I'm pretty sure that it's my cold shot anchor and seems to be worse early in the morning when I first get up. My head is not positioned correctly over my arrow. Last month I changed my anchor and although it's been a positive change, I obviously need to work on it. This has been a valuable learning experience and I will correct this once this challenge is over.


Took the wife hunting on Day 7, so I took my cold bow shot in the field. Definitely happy with my shot as the windage was spot on, something that I said I would focus on. The ribbon slid down a little upon the hit. I didn't bring my tape measure, but I would say I was 2.5-3" low.


Final Day Video "Make it or Break it!"

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Awesome idea, I'm in!

My backyard range is limited to 31 yards so that's what I'll be shooting. My hunting limit is 50 but I can't go a few days without shooting, and driving somewhere to shoot longer distance everyday or every other for one arrow isn't going to happen.

Shooting a 2002 Hoyt Ultratec @29.5" 67# 472 gr arrow tipped with a slick trick Magnum


We got a surprise couple of inches over night in the valley. Really unusual after mother's day. The wind was swirling and the temp was right around 38°. Shot felt good at release but hit a little low.


Cold chilly morning. No wind but snow flurries/freezing rain was falling. Same hole as yesterday. Glad I have a backup target though. These Glendel targets are not made to handle broadheads! I got this for my birthday in January from my wife, and I'm pretty sure this shot would have blown through. I'm going to rotate to a fresh side, or it's back to the Rinehart. I just wanted this simulation to be as realistic as possible, not having something bright and defined to aim at.


Well, the pressure got to me and I blew the shot. Beautiful morning! Not trying to make excuses but I messed up big time. 1. I rushed my shot 2. I chose the wrong pin 3. It was arms/shoulders day at the gym 4. I should have let down and walked away, waiting to shoot this evening. Lesson learned!


Back in the killzone, a little low but it would do the job. Thinking about the shot way more than I normally do!


Really focused on this shot! Put it in the same hole as day 1. You can see the offset of the broadhead blades. So excited for tomorrows arrow, so I can shoot more than 1 per day!


Tried something a little different today; went for a 2.7 mile run with some hill sprints, got my bow and shot with that elevated heart rate. Odd thing is, I was more relaxed and my pin float was non existent. Just sat in the center of the deer! Calm wind, crisp beautiful morning!


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Ok, here is my day 1 shot. 65 yards. No wind. Clear and 81 degrees

Equipment : Bowtech Fanatic 3.0 -setup for Train To Hunt Comps.
Sword Trident Hunter sight
Firenock Aerorest
Dead Center 10" carbon stabilizer
Tightspot 5 arrow quiver (loaded with 4 arrows)

I plan to do day 2 this afternoon.

Day 2, 5-7 mph west wind and 83 degrees.

Day 3, no wind and 82 degrees. Keeping the string going in the 7" vitals.

Day 4, no wind and 82 degrees. Little high today. 3rd day in a row of super hard workouts prior to shooting.

Day 5 no wind and 83 degrees.

Day 6 slightly left , no wind and 85 degrees

Day 7 back in the vitals. Rainy day and 65 degs with no wind. 6 of 7 in the 7" vitals.
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Here is the first shot I have taken with my bow since last year (taken at 50 yards). I missed archery season last year due to a shoulder injury, and it is truly a blessing to be able to draw a bow again. I have some practicing to do after this challenge! I am going to go with 50 yards as my distance. Conditions were calm, 55 degrees out and overcast with very light sprinkles.

Bow specs:
Mathews chill R
27" draw length @ 65 lbs. launching a 408 grain arrow
Tightspot quiver
MBG ascent single pin sight
Ripcord rest
Clear skies, 35 degrees F, light variable winds blowing right to left. I am not proud of this one, but it is what it is.
Clear skies,65 degrees F, calm. Sun was directly in my face on this one. It was tough just seeing the target, but it made for a more likely hunting scenario. Hit 5" low of the bullseye (man I need some practice!)
Day 4
A little more like it! Clear skies, no wind 65 degrees F. Pretty ideal shooting conditions I know, but I am happy to be in the same zip code as the target!
Day 5. Clear skies, 70 degrees F,light wind left to right. I think I over compensated for the wind.
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Old growth, glad you're participating. Talk about "cold bow"! Not too shabby. I didn't say it in lead post but I'd shot 140 arrows since March before I started the challenge.

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