zone A opener

thanks - the A zone public lands I hunt leave the truck pretty vulnerable, havent been broken into or ticketed yet, but I'm surprised it hasn't happened. Bummer to hear you get hassled pretty frequently.
If u pm me your hunt area I can tell you if you should be concerned about it or not
Im avoiding that S show, but I'll be out Tuesday/Wed checking some new area hoping to get lucky.
Honestly boot stomping morons during archery opener who think they know what they are doing are far worse for me than rifle opener.
Yellow tow slip. Sometimes marked warning mostly just box checked for 72 hour tow away notice. Happens at designated access as well as wide pullouts that have been used by hunters for at least the 20yrs I’ve been hunting.

In my neighborhood, CHP wil put 6 of those yellow tags over a few weeks on abandoned vehicles dumped on the forest roads. It's weeks before it finally gets removed... as if the jerk is actually going to come back and get it!
It’s another kind of A zone opener on Saturday morning. Who’s getting out there this weekend?
Looks like I might be missing my first opening weekend ever. Work has been a real pain in the ass lately but it’s gotta get done, good luck everyone and shoot straight, hopefully I can get out once this weekend.
Got talked into picking up an A tag and going with a buddy this weekend. Haven’t hunted A zone in 5+ years, should be interesting. He’s a new hunter and shot his first buck opening day last year in a heavily pressured area, fingers crossed we can at least put one down.
Up at 3,100 feet this morning. Was down in the low 50s before sunrise. Deer were moving. Passed on a small legal fork and saw 3 big bodied does with fawns. Heading back to the truck in about an hour or so. Hopefully this evening is productive. Not sure how I have cell service since I’m about an hours drive from any real road but I’ll take it. Good luck to everyone today!

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Seen 15 deer so far. One buck at first light trotting across the canyon from me like it was bumped by someone or something. Was too dark to get good look at rack but seemed like a shooter to me. He went into brush and I never saw him again. Awhile later a doe did the exact same thing and ended up going into same brush patch. I’m waiting em out til dark. Brought plenty of frozen water bottles and ignite to stay alert. Brought my shooting mat and it’s looking more like a bed to me than anything. That 2:40 alarm was rough.
Gonna check a camera when I get bored of glassing. Hopefully it has something on it.
Report back later if still in service.
Only had time for a half morning, zero bucks, two does with fawns, 2 lions (1 was 20 feet away and I only saw it when my light caught its eyes early am. Several nice bucks a few minutes away in the pastures and vineyards. I was in a small public spot (about 400 acres) with about 15 trucks and only heard one shot go off.IMG_1351.JPG.
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Nothing but me on camera.
Still seeing deer off and on as they move to more shaded beds. Been about 45 min now since last sighting.
Had lunch and gonna kick back for a bit in the swelter. Smells like hot oat grass up here.
Been chasing the shade of a single oak all day. Almost back to where I started.
This gal and 3 of her friends stopped by at 30 yards at 10:00 am before I called it a day. Turns out I gotta watch the boys while my wife gets some work done on the horses. I’ll be back at it tomorrow afternoon and evening.

Little fork gets the pass. He was napping below me when I stood to move my chair into shade I spotted him. He caught me trying to get pics after he got up. Hmongs would have had him strung up by his neck if they were here today.
Saw deer til dark just never saw that buck from daybreak again. Coyote went through where the deer were hanging but didn’t bump anything up for me. Gonna try to go again tomorrow. We’ll see how much sleep I can get.