Zero Outfitter Fees Reviews


Oct 10, 2023
Hey guys,
New here but couldn't find any previous thread discussing this topic. Does anyone have any reviews for Zero Outfitter Fees? It is similar to Zero Guide Fees and Zero Hunt Fees, but a different organization/outfitter. I found plenty of reviews for ZHF and ZGF online but unsuccessful finding any on ZOF. I'm looking into a membership with them over the others, simply because they include NM and WY and will handle the application process IF I choose that option. Any input is appreciated. Thanks in advance!!
I met the guy at a hunting show. Seemed like a good guy. But why pay into New Mexico yearly when you can hunt all over the globe..................
Valid point. I typically go OTC DIY to CO every year. Was going to use one of these services as a backup/bonus hunt when I got drawn. Build points at the same time. NM is appealing because of the lottery system for tags.
What happens if they ever file for bankruptcy or just go belly up ? Are you out all the fees you’ve paid in over the years? Some of those states have very low drawing percentages.
Great question. I'm not exactly sure and something I will be looking into.
It will cost you 85.00 a year in lost fees to NM to apply , on top of whatever else you have to pay for someone to apply for you. Same goes for AZ, NV and CO as well. Gotta buy that damn small game license to be able to apply for anything. That money is gone most every year in those states with such low odds.
I’m talking about the $749 annual subscription fee. In AZ I have a lot of points for non res elk and I’ve never drawn in 18 years of applying plus the loyalty point and the nonresident hunter safety point.Total elk points going into the AZ draw this year is at 20….18 years x $749 per year would have been = $13,482 plus the $160 AZ license fee it has cost me each year to apply = $2880..If a guy drew in the first couple years it’s a good deal.
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This guy is worse than signing up for Buckmasters. I’ve unsubscribed from his emails and text messages 15 times. Still getting texts weekly. I know there are only certain units he lets you apply to keep your draw odds low. It’s a scam in my book. I can apply on my own
What are the correct dates? I have to get one soon for OTC deer but for future reference

If you are using it for OTC and or the deer/sheep draw you will not be able to time buying the license to go every other year.

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If you are using it for OTC and or the deer/sheep draw you will not be able to time buying the license to go every other year.

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Ah that's too bad, thank you
Ah that's too bad, thank you

for all draws except turkey, you go 1-1/2 years per license
Elk/Antelope you go two years per license


Per regulation, you need a license valid on the last day of the app period. Jan 1 you can go in and buy the license, and set the start date to be the last day of the Elk app period. When the Elk app period opens, just go in and apply. In 2025, the license will still be valid on the last day of that years app period, which will be one day sooner than 2024. In 2025 you would then buy a new license with a start date set to the Deer app period last day.
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It will cost you 85.00 a year in lost fees to NM to apply , on top of whatever else you have to pay for someone to apply for you. Same goes for AZ, NV and CO as well. Gotta buy that damn small game license to be able to apply for anything. That money is gone most every year in those states with such low odds.
I'd like to hear from somebody that actually was fortunate enough to Draw a tag
I met the guy at various trade shows. Seems like a good guy. But I'm not joining his club, or any club. If I draw, I'll pay full price for a guide. If I never draw, I'm well ahead of the game.

I dealt with 3 NM guides. 2 good, 1 bad. There are 10 zillion guides in NM to deal with. the ZOF isn't my thing.
Its like the house in Vegas, the odds are in their favor. They know the odds are low and so theyll rack up so much subscription $ most likely before you draw. If it takes 20 years to get an elk tag youve way overpaid vs the normal full price guide fee.

If you want to sign up, you should be doing your research on Diamond Outfitters and Dan Adler to see if thats who you want to hunt with when you finally draw a tag. Because thats who youll be hunting with.

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