Zelensky. Ukrainian president.

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First off, LOADS of admiration and respect for the Ukrainian soldiers and citizens standing and fighting. It is crushing to think they will not have NATO fighting at their side. With all their bravery, they can only hope, at best, to enter a long, nasty guerrilla war with Russia. Russia has only thrown a fraction of their resources at Ukraine.

I have to disagree with some of you saying US citizens would not respond with equal fortitude and conviction. There are many millions ready at the drop of the hat to defend this country. When the first bombs fell on our cities, the reality check would get many more millions join in. Don’t let the polarizing media and politicians fool you. We have much more common ground among us than they want you to believe.
We aren’t a bunch of pussies. Anyone that thinks that please speak for yourself. I love my family, and my land and I could round up a fairly large well equipped militia in about two days by showing up a construction site, pipeline yard, lineman local, etc and explain our country is being attack. We are not responsible or represented by these dump corrupt politicians. It will take a EMP, nuke, financial collapse, or the hand of God to stop us/Canada.
The liberal media paints a picture that the entire population is a bunch of tree hugger, faggot *******, limped wristed folks, which is actually probably 2%, and it’s nothing to do about race. Most people just want to live their lives and be left alone. Preston
Anyone who thinks Americans aren’t tough enough to fight back clearly haven’t seen Red Dawn. Wolverines!


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Remember 9/11. the country really came together as one. Lots of young men and women joined the armed forces knowing well what it might mean, and many made the ultimate sacrifice. When to going gets tough, the tough get going.
No doubt, and I know there is a silent population of citizen warriors out there, and obviously hats off to our military, but keep in mind the dynamic you speak of was 20yrs ago prior to older folks arguing with each other about politics/Covid based on whatever the algorithms turned up on their Fakebook news & younger folks are stressed worrying about the gender of a toy potato. In 2001 people were not trying to defund police or solve police problems using "nonviolent crisis intervention specialists" or comparing social distancing during a global pandemic to being herded into train cars by the Nazi regime. Read every post on this thread & it's pretty easy to see that in the small amount of people commenting there is desention in the ranks......multiply that ratio by the US population and I think you'll find it won't be as simple as handing out guns if the day ever comes, and that doesn't even factor in the political end.
No doubt, and I know there is a silent population of citizen warriors out there, and obviously hats off to our military, but keep in mind the dynamic you speak of was 20yrs ago prior to older folks arguing with each other about politics/Covid based on whatever the algorithms turned up on their Fakebook news & younger folks are stressed worrying about the gender of a toy potato. In 2001 people were not trying to defund police or solve police problems using "nonviolent crisis intervention specialists" or comparing social distancing during a global pandemic to being herded into train cars by the Nazi regime. Read every post on this thread & it's pretty easy to see that in the small amount of people commenting there is desention in the ranks......multiply that ratio by the US population and I think you'll find it won't be as simple as handing out guns if the day ever comes, and that doesn't even factor in the political end.

I don’t think these hypothetical arguments are particularly relevant. The US has the military capacity to deal with any direct threat that would be roughly equatable to the Ukrainian scenario. If it comes to handing out weapons to US civilians, the planet will soon be extinct anyway because the nukes will be flying.

On the flip side, I have a M1 Garand with a bayonet that the US Govt sold me and shipped to my door step with no FFL transfer through the CMP. So, I guess you could say the US has been arming its civilians since the Cold War.

Also, fat people need not apply for the resistance. And many of the of the self described “ready and armed” crowd are too fat to be useful.
Hey guys - I’m going to do something really novel here. I’m going to acknowledge the intent of the original post and echo the sentiment that Ukraine‘s president is a badass and the people of Ukraine are worthy of our deepest respect and support. Long live Ukraine

Okay, you guys can get back to immediately and compulsively crapping on your country.

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