I've been using a pair of 8x32 Conquest HDs next to my SLC 8x30s for about 6 weeks now. I like them both quite a bit. I also compared both with an EL Field Pro 8x32. Here are my thoughts:
Ergos - Conquest have a nice heft and easy handling, focus wheel is in the right place for natural use for me. SLCs are very nice in hand, maybe a little small for me (big hands) and the focus wheel at the far end of the bridge is a little different but not a big deal. Slight edge to Conquest but this could go either way depending on you and your preferences.
Focuser - Conquest is very light and super fast, it also stops not far beyond infinity. Close focus is incredible. SLC is a lot stiffer (relative to Zeiss) and with the smaller focus knob and using a middle or ring finger it will occasionally be a bit of a hurdle to get focused quickly. SLC focuser location precludes the use of an Outdoorman's stud... Not that you need one for binoculars this size. Conquest wins easily.
Build quality - Conquest is rugged and mildly "agricultural" when compared to Zeiss Victory series or the SLC. SLC is classic Swaro... Very high quality built with superior fit & finish. The armor on the Conquest is robust but my hands sweat more using it than the SLC. SLCs metal eyecups are nicer than Zeiss plastic. SLC edges the Zeiss in this category.
Warranty - Haven't had to use Zeiss warranty ever, so can't really compare. I was using the Swaros in some really cold weather back in Dec and they fogged/iced up. Sent them in to SONA and 3-4 weeks later I had an essentially new pair of binoculars back in my hands, free of charge. I am not the original owner of the Swaros but that did not matter. Swaro has kept me as the owner of a scope and three pairs of high-end binoculars for this reason.
Ok, the all important part; the view - Conquest feel like they have a slightly larger FOV... It's pretty close though. The view through the Conquest is just superb. I own and have owned several alphas and many very good binoculars from Zeiss, Swaro, Leica, Meopta, Nikon, Swift... this is an alpha view, without question. My only knocks are mild CA (increasing towards field edge) in lighting you'd expect to bring it out and that the view can occasionally leave my eyes feeling strained after lots of glassing. Otherwise, the clarity, resolution, definition and viewing experience are essentially as good as my Victory SFs or Swaro EL SVs. The SLCs have a very good to excellent view. CA is somewhat less than the Conquests. Resolution and contrast are just a tiny but noticeable step below the Conquest. There is a ring of glare that occurs in the SLCs that does not in the Conquest, so, the Conquest manage glare better. Bottom line, I just plain see more detail with the Zeiss. If I'm watching ducks, geese or Herons on the far side of my pond (which I do daily from my kitchen window), and I need to ID something, I might be able to with the Swaros... I almost certainly will be able to with the Conquest. And... This is the same with the EL Field Pros... the Conquest (approx 10 years old) could make out as much (or more) detail at almost any distance than a pair of 2020 EL Field Pros.
The Zeiss Conquest HD 8x32s are awesome binoculars. The only two I have used that surpass it (in terms of view) are my Victory SF 10x42s and Swaro SLC HD 15x56s... Primarily because both manage CA better. The Conquests have that "wow" factor.
I still use the SLCs almost daily, because I bought the Conquests for my wife, but when I'm home on the weekend I really like using the Conquests. The fact that they cost me $1000 less than a pair of ELs doesn't hurt either.