Looking to grab my first pair of high end boots. I don't like very stiff boots, (for example LOWA mountain boots), but do like some stiffeness for support. Was wondering what the flexibility on these boots is like?
They are pretty stiff in my estimation, but I went from years of more flexible boots to these. I have ankle trouble, so it was time for a more substantial boot. I tried on several brands and found the Zamberlan to be most comfy. They are stiffer than a lot of boots, but they have worked out well for my bad ankle so far...
This ^^^.
Still pretty stiff, but not quite as much as the Tibets.
Stiff soles make a (huge) difference in hilly, mountainous terrian. A good thing.
My Wasatch boots required zero break-in, no issues. They still are comfortable and supportive. Like them.