Youth Crossbow Recommendations


Feb 6, 2018
Trout Run, PA
Planning ahead to next hunting season here in PA where we can start mentored youth hunts at age 7. My son will be 7 right before the season starts in 2024 and he has expressed interest already in hunting next year. I'm not a crossbow guy, but figured he would get a lot more opportunity with that instead of waiting for the rifle season.

Any recommendations for crossbows that fit smaller frames while still having enough energy to efficiently kill deer? I'm assuming shots will need to be closer, which is perfectly fine. I just want him to be comfortable behind whatever he is shooting.
That is how my son started out. He was 10 using a standard sized crossbow setup on a tripod. My niece shot her first buck at 7 with her grandpa’s crossbow. You really shouldn’t need anything specific. Just a decent crossbow and letting them practice at the distance you plan to setup when you hunt.
Make him wait then buy him a decent bow when he’s able to use one. No better way to get a kid interested FOR LIFE than to make him long for it then earn it when he’s ready. The anticipation leading up to his first year hunting will make it all so much more exciting when he finally gets there.

Under 12, take em small game hunting.
The age in PA used to be 12. I had to wait until I was 12 to go out hunting at all. I remember wishing I could hunt at an earlier age.

Regardless of what type of hunting I take my son on I want to make sure he understands the responsibility and seriousness of the matter. All while enjoying God's creation and spending time with his dad. I do want to make sure I don't make it too easy for him and just do everything for him. I want him to do everything from sight in his weapon to process his animals.

My first gun I used at age 12 was a 30-30 lever action with open sights. It may not have necessarily stacked the odds in my favor, but I learned how to shoot and was successful with it. Something to be said for that I suppose.
My sons hunt with a xbow since they can’t otherwise hunt during archery season (draw 45 lbs). Started at 7 years old. We have a killer instinct xbow and it works well but you’ll need a more reliable scope since the packages come with garbage. The stocks retract so you can adjust length of pull. Use a bog death grip tripod (heavy but a vice that’s great for steadiness and safety) and hunt from a ground blind or box blind. Teach them to keep one hand on the rear and other on the trigger, keep steady and let her rip. Good luck.
Any crossbow and clamp it in a Bogpod. We used a Excalibur Micro and it worked great. I’m also in PA, at 7 years old you gent your own tags. You can shoot at an earlier age but the youth shooter uses the tag from the adult tag holding hunter. Buck or doe, also turkey and some small game.
Any crossbow and a clamp style tripod as recommended above.
My boy shot his first deer at 9 with this setup.
My sons hunt with a xbow since they can’t otherwise hunt during archery season (draw 45 lbs). Started at 7 years old. We have a killer instinct xbow and it works well but you’ll need a more reliable scope since the packages come with garbage. The stocks retract so you can adjust length of pull. Use a bog death grip tripod (heavy but a vice that’s great for steadiness and safety) and hunt from a ground blind or box blind. Teach them to keep one hand on the rear and other on the trigger, keep steady and let her rip. Good luck.
One with an adjustable butt stock ar style are great for fit. My daughter has been using the Centerpoint cp400.

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