your weapon of choice for mountain grouse

No o/u or s/s purist here :) I've been using a small .22 revolver (S&W 317), but my grouse take could be better so just purchased a Ruger American Compact in .22LR, topping it with 4X Leupold/Talley Lightweights

What do you use?
I have one of those little rifles, and I think you are going to like it. Mine is very accurate with CCI SV.

Not an expert on the grouse question.
An axis with brass insert, wrap and a broadhead is about $35 well I stand corrected $29-30 but still.
I've been shooting the same axis with a collar at grouse and stumps since at least 2016. I've replaced the small game head, but that arrow is still going strong. And that's with a lot of hard hits.
Well $hit, went to pick up my .22 yesterday and discovered they sent me a .22 mag, turns out it was my error after checking the order confirmation it said .22 rimfire and listed a SKU number, the number came back to a magnum model, got the correct one ordered now (triple checked!!!!), will see if any of the guys at work want a magnum. Doh!
Do you eat marmots?

No, I have eaten groundhog. The young ones are tolerable. From farming I have a built up hatred of burrowing animals like that. They break legs, axles, and have actually lost lambs to the holes from the them playing around them. The lambs get their head down in them and can't back out, plug the hole and run out of air.
Where do you buy them for that price Sir?
I'll take 2 dozen.
Last I checked an axis bare shaft is $10
You have to find them and buy when they're on sale. I've never bought any shafts or BH's that weren't discounted. These Axis shafts I got from Mountain Archery when they had them on clearance for $50/doz. My GT Kinetic XT 200's.......two dozen new in package for $130 on Ebay.

I love the hunt so much, that I do it when buying stuff as well. That's half the fun.
If I'm close to the truck, I use a Ruger 10-22. If I'm bow hunting, I always have a grouse arrow in the quiver. Judo point with washer behind. Haven't lost an arrow in many years. Around camp? I have killed grouse with pellet guns, rocks, sling shots, and even one with a small empty mayo jar.

Grouse are amazing table fare and it's a rare day I let one go without an attempt.
Kid uses a .410 Snake Charmer.

For me it is an older straggler arrow from a decade of odds and ends, and a field point with fender washer. Under 20 yards minimal POI change from regular hunting arrows - just play with different weight field points and washers to get POI close to the hunting setup.
My pole barn. I heard a thump looked over and saw it tumble off the roof to the ground dead as a door nail. Only 1 I’ve ever seen here or eaten. Oh that was a ruffed grouse sorry.
While archery hunting, I use an offbrand arrow (usually one I have found while hunting) with the rubber blunt. I seem to lose that arrow after a year or two and have to find another one. I broke a couple of expensive arrows hitting a rocks while shooting at grouse. Too expensive, so I go with a cheap/free one. Otherwise, I use a Ruger 10-22 takedown with iron sights or shotgun.
Judo tips & suppressed .22s all day long! It helps that we spend the most time in the grouse woods during elk season. Now that I've got a proper bird dog, though some concerted efforts will be made to shoot them the gentlemanly way.