Some really good advice above. You really can't do it all with one boat.
I had these in interior Ak: (not at the same time)
1.. 24 ft Hewscraft, 460 inbd jet-didn't like it but it would run shallow and fast. If you get it stuck on a gravel bar be prepared for hell.
2. 17 ft heavy aluminum with 90/60 Yamaha jet-okay, but pretty gutless motor so wouldn't carry much weight
3. 14ft Zodiak with 40 Yamaha with both jet and prop, full canopy and console steer-very versatile. Used it on North Slope for caribou, Yukon River for pike, lakes and shallow rivers. Would be ok for bay fishing.
4. 14ft jon with 30? hp with a long mud runner type motor-slow and hard to turn sharp. No reverse. ok for duck hunting
5. Grumman Freighter aluminum canoe with 15hp Yamaha with lift-didn't like the tipsiness when motor was lifted to run shallow
A friend had a 16ft jon with a 60/40 Honda jet 4 stroke-great little boat for running rivers-it easily came up on step with 3 guys, a LOT of bear bait and camping gear.
I think a 16-18 ft Rigid inflatable (RIB) with aluminum bottom and canopy would get you on a lot of adventures, even on the ocean. Otherwise a 16/18 ft Jon with a jet would be a decent entry to learn how to run shallow water. I would love to try a new Mokai, which is like a big jet kayak.
Whatever you decide, have fun! I'd never live in Alaska without a boat or two.