Genuine question here, do you think it's possible, or even likely that if you shot 5 shot groups they would fill in something like this, and 10 shot groups even closer in size to one another? Why or why not?
It seems like all these groups would fit within the 10 shot groups you shoot for score, and any given scoring group would likely have a handful of rounds in a 2-3" cluster. In my mind, much of the 3 shot groups' differences could easily be explained by the random order of which 3 out of the 10 got pulled out of the sleeve for the rest group.
Again, these are not puffy chested, "well, what about this?" gotcha type questions. I've never even set foot into your world, and have always been a bit baffled as to how you guys read the tea leaves and load "for the conditions." Genuinely curious to know what you look for in 3 round groups and how you control for the random dispersion in a group. Like how do you know you didn't shoot the best 3 out of a poorer performing 10 shot group and then the worst 3 out of a smoking good 10 shot group?
I used to shoot non-round robin five shot groups at 1000 yds during tuning day. While that worked okay, my record groups during the match shrunk when I started shooting the round-robin "ladders"
that I showed.
The issue with shooting one group fully and then the next one and so on at 1000 yds is the conditions are always changing. So how do we know that group three didn't just happen to catch a very good or a very bad condition? Shooting round robin mitigates that. It means that if a condition is really good or really bad, it's not likely that it will make one group look good or bad. It will affect them all, and I have seen that. Also, it takes a lot less rounds to shoot the three shot round robin tests that to shoot multiple 5-shot groups.
We find that 10-shot groups don't tell us anymore about the load that 5-shot groups. 10-shot groups are more about the conditions. Remember, during the match we'd shoot 5 and 10 shot groups so we are getting a lot of feedback on our tuning approach. There are many matches where the same rifle is used for both classes, and the 5-shot groups are frequently around the same size as the 10.
Of course, there are also matches where the 10-shot groups are strung out horizontally across the target as well. That sucks, especially when you saw the condition change in the middle of your string, and then you have to decide if you stop, adjust, or keep going. I promise you that more than half the time, whatever you pick, is wrong--at least for me.......