Your Favorite Broadhead for Elk

I have yet to find a BH that I couldn't tune up and get to fly accurately. Lot's of options that work. I loved the Ulmer Edge's.
The Trophy Taker A-TAC is a nasty little head.
I am interested in the Iron Will Heads and look forward to Les's full review.
I shoot a silver flame from alaska bowhunting supply. They have proved incredibly tough and accurate.
I invested in 100 gr G5 Montec's years ago. I don't see anyone mention using them on here. This year is my first ever bow hunt for elk. Should I be making a change here? Is there a reason you guys are not using them?
QAD Exodus for in Montana. Flies true like my field points. Strickland archery Helix looks interesting for a single bevel BH
I've heard of guys using the QAD in Idaho but by definition it is not legal and the state made an official statement saying they were not legal.

I have had good luck recently with WASP DRONE broad head's shooting with my field points. First broad head I could say that about since wac em's. Next ones I will test are radical design tri-con or radical.
I invested in 100 gr G5 Montec's years ago. I don't see anyone mention using them on here. This year is my first ever bow hunt for elk. Should I be making a change here? Is there a reason you guys are not using them?

I have used maybe 18 of these, some 100s some 125s. Ive killed several deer without issue. of those 18 or so there was 4 that were flyers and couldn't get to hit anywhere within 9# of my aiming point at 60yds. the rest were never a problem. I think they are just kind of inconsistent or something? I didn't ever spin them, but I would swap shafts and fletchings and just couldn't get them to fly right... these few would not come with me in the field. the other 13-15 that flew true I carried.

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