Your Elk Hunting Rifle

I take either a Browning Abolt 30.06 or Tikka 30.06. They each shoot 180 Accubonds well. I have seen and killed more elk with the wood and blue Browning over the stainless Tikka.

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Killed alot of deer and elk with a Ruger American .270, 130 gr Hornady SST. Retired that one for a Tikka Superlite .270, 130 gr BLDX copper bullets.
My elk rifle is a Browning A-Bolt .338 Win Mag with a 3-10 Swarovski. I’ve killed quite a few elk with it and love that gun, but I’ve killed more elk with my Ruger M77 stainless in .30-06 with a Leupold VX2 3-9x40. Prior to that I shot a Remington 700 BDL in 7mm REM Mag.

If I ever get another elk rifle it will be a .300 PRC. Either Browning X-Bolt Speed or Christianson Arms. I certainly don’t need it, but want it lol.

My wife has killed her share of elk with her Howa 1500 in 7mm-08. Wicked little round!
What bullet are you using in the -08? My Granddaughter shoots one for whitetail. Been shooting hornady 120gr SST. THANKS
Kimber Hunter (modified) with a 2-7X Leupold ; .308 w/ 165 Accubonds - under 6 lbs loaded :)

I’m not a good elk hunter and take public land mule deer with MUCH more success. That being said, this Sako A7 30-06 pushing 180g Accubond handloads at 2,875fps is my choice for everything from antelope on up.

This cow (behind the shoulder placement) dropped so fast I couldn’t see what happened coming down from recoil.

Great thread. In the market for a western hunting rifle. It'll be my first upgrade from a .270 used for whitetail hunting. Thinking I'll end up with 7mm rem mag over the .300 win mag, but all these responses are making that decision a bit more difficult!