Your elk goals 2022?

Oct 4, 2021
Bro you can't just drop that in there without a story.

Morning of the 14th me and two buddies went before work to check a spot we hadn’t been to this year. We are working our way up the creek bed following a well used game trail to where the animals start to cut back up the mountain. At this point it’s a little bit of rock climbing, crawling through black bear tunnels in the underbrush and hopping deadfall until you get to the old service road at the top.

Well about 150 vertical feet below the roadbed I go to plant my right leg on a downed lodge pole and think “there’s no bark on this, I shouldn’t put my foot down.” Next thing I know I hear a loud crack or snap and everything goes black for a second. I look up just as my buddies are turning around to see what happened and you could tell they knew just as well as I did what happened.

We made a splint and I used my trekking poles to crawl/drag/climb myself up to the old road bed as they cut me a trail to the best of their ability with the tools we had. All in all it was about 200 yards of travel solo to climb that 150ft according to OnX. Once we got the road bed they got me situated while they went to get cell service to figure out how to get me 2 miles back to the truck.

Long story short they were able to get a game cart and a dog bed (for my comfort) and proceeded to roll me when they could and carry me when it got too rough. I broke the leg around 9:30 am and got off the mountain around 5:30 pm. Got X-rays and found out a week later that I would need surgery.

Been laid up in bed ever since. The wife is not thrilled but handling it well. The dogs on the other hand are ecstatic since I’m home all day every day. I’m bored out of my mind and ready to get back on two feet so I can get back to work.


Jun 8, 2020
CO Springs
Dang Toofarsouth. Do they expect the surgery to allow full movement / performance on that leg again? Thats the nightmare story. Thank god you had buddies along and thank god theyre good buddies.
Oct 4, 2021
Dang Toofarsouth. Do they expect the surgery to allow full movement / performance on that leg again? Thats the nightmare story. Thank god you had buddies along and thank god theyre good buddies.

Doc said he expects there to be a good chance of 100% mobility. Said there would be 100% chance of complications without it. So we’ll see. I plan on working my ass off at physical therapy to get back to full strength. I didn’t start hunting at a young age, but I can’t imagine not being able to do it anymore…especially still having a few years left this side of 40.

I owe those two guys a ton, no doubt about it! They are tired of me telling them “thank you” that’s for sure!


Oct 2, 2022
So, what are your goals?

Me, CO cow and either sex tag. I will arrow the first cow I see without a calf unless she's a dinosaur, and will most likely kill any bull over a 4x4. WY, I will hold out for a P&Y class bull until the very end hunting a GEN unit.

So, my goals are two elk in CO to fill freezer, and then to WY for horns.

Got a colorado cow tag. Hoping to kill my first one. 3rd trip and haven't seen an elk on public land yet.


Jan 28, 2015
I have 2 goals:

1) Help my brother kill his first elk with a bow. He's shot a lot with a rifle, but never with the bow. We each have 2 elk tags, so whatever walks in front of him first is in trouble.

2) Shoot a true giant. I've killed a couple bulls in the 300-335/340 range with rifle and archery gear. I stabbed a giant bull 2 years ago that survived. So finding and killing one in that true 360+ class would be a dream come true.
I achieved #1, my brother shot a cow on a B tag the first morning in a honey hole we found. I have yet to achieve #2,
Jul 20, 2022
Meat! Did 7 days in MT backcountry for archery. No luck. Heading back to the same unit with my rifle in Nov. Cow or bull will do!!
Jul 18, 2015
I've got a MT general elk tag, and my goal is to shoot a 6-point. Never hunted Montana, heck, never seen an elk in MT. Not feeling particularly confident but if I don't kill one it won't be for lack of effort.

Also my oldest friend that I've known since high school drew a pretty dang good tag in CO fourth season. Taking the whole hunt off to see if we can get him his first good bull. We've shed hunted the area together for years so it'll be pretty special if we get it done. I have the best wife in the world who is letting me miss Thanksgiving two years in a row, and this year for someone else's hunt!
Fortunate to fill my MT general elk tag on a nice 6-point, much bigger than I was hoping for. Got back from my friend's hunt yesterday and it was one I won't soon forget. He's said all year he just wanted his first bull over 300"; put the tape on his bull and it went 300 4/8"! It was a good year. Already working on goals for next year.
Mar 1, 2022
Fill some coolers with elk meat. My son, son-in law, and myself will be trying very hard to accomplish our goals. Good luck to all.
Just a late follow-up to our hunt. We were able to put elk into our coolers. My son shot a small but nice x second rifle. Seen more but to far for a shot. Very happy to get one.


Jan 5, 2020
Done & done. Utah late season, missed opening day but filled couple days before Thanksgiving Day. My Bergara 6.5CM did the job at 395 yds. and my 15 yr old grandson and his cousin brought her down to the truck field dressed and ready to load. Been training him for 14 yrs. now it’s paying off.


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Sep 26, 2022
Got my first Roosevelt Bull Elk draw in 40 plus years of trying.
Decided to hold out for a biggy, passed small bulls, couldn't take it with one day remaining harvested a small 5 pt. For the freezer.
Rosie's are huge, I've taken a few 6s in Rocky's, but this young bull was every bit as big as my big 6s


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Feb 2, 2020
I have 2 or 3 days of archery hunting left to not get completely skunked on an elk and deer tag. I think I've been out for a total of 12 days now. Have had a couple chances, but was being a smart and ethical hunter.

What do you guys do after a couple bad years and you're convinced you suck at hunting?