Wouldn't even think of using someone that charges based on the weight brought in.
Charging based on hanging weight is common practice in the meat processing world.
Wouldn't even think of using someone that charges based on the weight brought in.
How in the hell are they supposed to know what to charge?
Its called 'hanging weight'
I started wrapping venison about 50 years ago, stuff my dad shot and butchered - not to mention the hogs and cattle we raised and slaughtered.
Sure are some internet cowboys that have a lot to learn about DIY meat processing.
But I guess that's what the internet is for.
Charging based on hanging weight is common practice in the meat processing world.
lol what? They keep your separate from other peoples animals and charge you based on output based on what you get after they process it. Congrats on getting other people’s meat. And paying for bloodshot/damaged meat that gets thrown away.
I like how you shit on people who have a different perspective than you. Noticed it in many threads. No way in hell anyone here would pay based on “hanging weight.” That leaves the consumer open to a lot of abuse. Sorry about that, internet cowboy.
Really no one would pay on hanging weight? Guess you have no clue what your talking about because your charged for hanging weight whether its wild game or domestic animals.
I said no one here. Never heard of it, and I’ve used dozens of butchers for hundreds of animals.
Maybe it’s a difficult concept...but let’s say you take a deboned deer to butcher. I’ll use round numbers to help. You tell him to cube half and burger half. Cube is $1 per pound and burger is $2 per pound. You wind up with 30 lbs of cube and 40 lbs of burger. Guess it’s impossible to figure out that total bill for some in this thread?
The butcher is then incentivized to come up with all that he can, because he is payed on output. You know exactly what you got in pounds so he can’t overcharge you and if he gets lazy trimming and wastes meat he won’t be paid as much.
I said no one here would do it, lol at people saying that if it’s done any other way than “hanging weight” then that person doesn’t know what they are talking about. Sure I recognize people saying that’s a thing where they live, fine. But the ones in this thread saying it’s impossible for butchers to do math based on output are embarrassing themselves. And calling people idiots for saying that’s how a lot do it is simply ignorant, because I can promise you, that’s how a lot of people do it. Not everyone uses the same butcher.
Well then by your description your not taking them anything to hang your taking them boned meat which they probably weight and charge you for the weight you brought in because the little you loose from the trimming will be made up with what ever they mix in the burger.
Why would anyone bone there animal then pay someone to cube it for a buck a pound? Hell once it's debone why not cut the cubes yourself. At $2 a pound for burger getting 40 pounds made for $80 just doing this once about pays for a grinder so you could do it yourself. I'm afraid that butcher likes to see you coming because in your example the butcher makes a quick $110 for doing something that probably takes him about 15 minutes.
In the busy season around here a butcher won't even take boned meat as they don't have the shelf space to store it and won't hang the bags in there cooler.