Wyoming Unit 19?


Feb 12, 2015
Anyone ever hunt unit 19 for elk, in Wyoming? I'm considering a cow hunt there in 2017. On the plus side, it has a pretty good success rate, I should be able to draw the tag, the terrain doesn't look terribly harsh and the elevations are moderate. I'm also drawn to the fact that the country is pretty open and I'd really like to do some spot-and-stalk hunting. On the negative side, it looks like public land gets a bit checkerboardy and I've heard some folks say that elk are pretty concentrated in just a small part of the fairly small unit.
Those of you who've hunted it: Does the private land issue really hamper you? I'd really appreciate hearing about any experience you have there, or any advice in general about that unit, or other units I should look at. Thank you!
Jul 16, 2021
There are definitely units out there with more public land and it is a huge pain dealing with all the boundaries and all the private but you can find elk if you hunt hard enough. With all the private land those with tags seem to be in the same areas so it does seem a bit crowded. I have had better success in OTC units in other areas of the state and other states if that says much.