Wyoming Thorofare Elk Questions

Appreciate all the input and stories shared! I'd love to go the DIY route, I do have quite a bit of experience hunting elk, but no experience hunting elk with horses. The horses are the hang up. Was kind of hoping I could use a guided trip as a way to get some learning on using horses in the mountains. After really examining it, I knew this goal would get pushed to the 2025 season as I'm halfway through my master's degree. And then my rotator cuff solidified some serious alterations to any and all hunting plans I have for 2024. But love all the advice and experiences shared!
Have you though about a mid summer pack trip somewhere else to get some experience? No need to drop 8K to get experience
I have a group of 6 for 2026 hunt with Yellowstone.

Would love to hear how this years groups do, sounds like a few here in this chat.
We drew a good archery tag again this year, but the year we don't draw a good tag we are going to walk into the Thorofare, likely leading a few mules to pack on. I myself will walk, ill let the mule carry my stuff.

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Having to wait all the way to 2029 for my group of 8 to go with Yellowstone. Excited to hear all the updates from the other guys on here.
We drew a good archery tag again this year, but the year we don't draw a good tag we are going to walk into the Thorofare, likely leading a few mules to pack on. I myself will walk, ill let the mule carry my stuff.

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I want to be from Wyoming
We drew a good archery tag again this year, but the year we don't draw a good tag we are going to walk into the Thorofare, likely leading a few mules to pack on. I myself will walk, ill let the mule carry my stuff.

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That’s a long walk, I think I’d want a saddle horse. I’m sure you know this, but you’re looking at 10+ miles to the top of Deer Creek Pass, and another 8-10 miles to get into the trail systems that shoot off into other drainages.
I'm fully aware of how far it is. That's kind of the point. Not too many people can relate, but I like doing things that are extremely hard. I've done 20+ mile days and woke up the next morning and done it all over again. That was wearing a pack. If I have mules carrying my pack and all my gear, it won't be a problem for me.

However, my hunting partner is dead set an acclimating stock. This year we will have 1 riding horse, a mule and a donkey. Yes a donkey. So it's possible I'll have a horse to ride when the time comes, but who knows.
Anyone going with TX this year? A buddy and I are going with them the end of Sept. and looking forward to it.