Wyoming Mule Deer Tag Drawing


Sep 24, 2018
Hi Folks. I'm new to this forum in terms of posting, but have read a fair amount on this forum as well as others. I am also relatively new to hunting out west in particularly Wyoming. I have read many different posts and blogs regarding the draw process in Wyoming and one's ability to draw a tag while still retaining their accumulated preference points. I wanted to post my understanding of the process by way of using this years draw results as an example in hopes of someone with more knowledge out there to chime in and let me know if I am on the right track. So here gos.........

So my assumptions are based on 2018 actual draw results. If a person would have applied under the non-resident special preference point drawing using hunt area 101 as their first choice, they would have needed at least 12 preference points to possibly draw the mule deer tag for this area. Having only 4 preference points, they would have then moved to the non resident special random draw with hunt area 101 again being defaulted as their first choice. Since there were no tags available for this hunt area in the non-resident special random draw, no one would have received a tag randomly. The person would then have a chance under the non-resident special random draw to be drawn for their second choice. Assuming their second choice was General Hunt area C, they would have received a tag under this hunt area since there were 228 in the quota, no first choice applicants and only 54 second choice applicants (therefore 100% of the second choice applicants would have received a tag) The applicant would then retain their preference points and also earned one, assuming they put that on their application, leaving them with 5 under this scenario going into 2019.

Is there anyone out there than can validate my understanding as being accurate and correct.

Thanks so much for the help!
Oct 8, 2012
Your understanding is correct! Be sure to watch the tag quota from year to year. In some units an increase in tags can send a few to the special random pool but 101 is not likely to have that happen anytime soon.


Sep 24, 2018
Thanks for your reply! I appreciate the validation as the whole draw process in Wyoming seems to have many different variables. Wanted to make sure I was on the right track.