Wyoming LO tags on the table

And the rich just keep getting richer. Let's go ahead and give the filthy rich landowners the rights to kill the states animals to further line their pockets while they are already being subsidized for God only knows what from the govt. Perhaps we should look for a way to provide them with govt guides to guide the people who buy the landowner tags while we are at it.

Nothing NR's can do about this but bitch and watch it happen.

The greedy ranchers have been after those transferrable bull tags for years now. Thankfully, the way this is currently written I don't see it passing and it appears to have a lot of push back.

But know this, once they put the verbiage in there to take those LO tags out of the NR tag allotment, even the residents will fully back this, essentially turning Wyoming it into a pay to play state.
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And the rich just keep getting richer. Let's go ahead and give the filthy rich landowners the rights to kill the states animals to further line their pockets while they are already being subsidized for God only knows what from the govt. Perhaps we should look for a way to provide them with govt guides to guide the people who buy the landowner tags while we are at it.

Nothing NR's can do about this but bitch and watch it happen.

The greedy ranchers have been after those transferrable bull tags for years now. Thankfully, the way this is currently written I don't see it passing and it appears to have a lot of push back.

But know this, once they put the verbiage in there to take those LO tags out of the NR tag allotment, even the residents will fully back this, essentially turning Wyoming it into a pay to play state.
I don’t know a single resident that would back that so here we go again…assumptions.
More Wyoming residents than you do I’m guessing but great response.
Yet another thread pitting residents against non residents CREATED by non residents.
I assure you this level of animosity isn’t anywhere except on this site. No one I knows spends more than a few seconds in any given year talking about this bs. This is drummed up by people looking for something to complain about on this site.
Unless you’re a land owner in Wyoming, the residents view them the same way you do. Come out and spend some time with guys and gals out actually getting it done in the woods instead of assuming you know the pulse of the area.
I don’t know a single resident that would back that so here we go again…assumptions.

"A dozen Republican members of the Legislature lined up behind the idea, most associated with the hard-line Wyoming Freedom Caucus and its Wyoming Senate allies."

The Freedom Caucus seems to get what they want in Wyoming.

No animosity, just stating a fact. The landowner tag system has problems already as mentioned in the article.

What I find interesting is that WG&F and game wardens can speak out about proposed legislation. That wasn't allowed in Colorado during the wolf proposals.
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More Wyoming residents than you do I’m guessing but great response.
Yet another thread pitting residents against non residents CREATED by non residents.
I assure you this level of animosity isn’t anywhere except on this site. No one I knows spends more than a few seconds in any given year talking about this bs. This is drummed up by people looking for something to complain about on this site.
Unless you’re a land owner in Wyoming, the residents view them the same way you do. Come out and spend some time with guys and gals out actually getting it done in the woods instead of assuming you know the pulse of the area.

Better response than what I had.

For the record, I hope you are right, and I am wrong.
And do you know why that is and why the ranching lobby is so strong here? That’s Wyoming’s second biggest flaw when it comes to this but I assure you that it only favors the elite. Not me or the other guys on this site so no, not all Wyoming residents will support this. Very generalized statement.
Go read the quotes from the ranchers, it's comical. If selling landowner licenses is the only was they can survive, they don't deserve to own the land to begin with.
Seems to me a rancher selling a 'trespass fee' to someone to be able to hunt the 'states animals' is no different than selling a landowner tag.
You were being inflammatory with no basis.
Well, that's not true. I didn't pull my statements out of thin air. It is based on statements about transferrable bull tags, made by MANY others, WHO ARE RESIDENTS, that I have been reading for YEARS....

But you are welcome to keep your head buried in the sand. Thats fine.
I assure you this level of animosity isn’t anywhere except on this site. No one I knows spends more than a few seconds in any given year talking about this bs.

A dude from Cheyenne on Facebook threatened to whoop my ***, many times over, for replying to a post made by another Wyoming resident hoping the new commissioner would take more from the nonresidents.

I simply pointed out that nonresidents fund the majority of Wyoming’s game and fish budget, and continually taking from the hand that feeds isn’t sustainable.

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Seems to me a rancher selling a 'trespass fee' to someone to be able to hunt the 'states animals' is no different than selling a landowner tag.

Trespass fee is to access the ranchers land. Landowner licenses, can be used anywhere in the hunt area, not just on the ranchers land. I do know on some occasions landowner licenses can only be used on private land, but the only way in this gods green earth I think a landowner license should work is that it's only good to hunt in the land that was used to acquire the licenses period. Never should a landowner license be able to be used on public land, ever.
Trespass fee is to access the ranchers land. Landowner licenses, can be used anywhere in the hunt area, not just on the ranchers land. I do know on some occasions landowner licenses can only be used on private land, but the only way in this gods green earth I think a landowner license should work is that it's only good to hunt in the land that was used to acquire the licenses period. Never should a landowner license be able to be used on public land, ever.
Like New Mexico.
Seems to me a rancher selling a 'trespass fee' to someone to be able to hunt the 'states animals' is no different than selling a landowner tag.

As already covered by others, it's a big difference if the tag is good off the landowner's land and the landowner doesn't allow hunting on their land with said sold tag.

Trespass fee is one thing. The actual tag is another. For one, it's a whole different revenue source but more importantly it can impact the access/availability/opportunity of the unwashed masses depending on what/where the tag is valid.

I have fewer gripes if a landowner tag is only valid on landowner's land.
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I haven't checked lately, but I believe the current landowner tags in Wyo. are only good on the land of the rancher. My neighbor used to get 2 elk and 2 antelope tags and he and his wife only used them on his land fwiw.
I haven't checked lately, but I believe the current landowner tags in Wyo. are only good on the land of the rancher. My neighbor used to get 2 elk and 2 antelope tags and he and his wife only used them on his land fwiw.
If that's the case then it's no big deal. I don't have access to those tags anyway so what do I care if they sold them. I they're available for the whole unit then it seems a bit off, but then again I still don't have access to those tags and somebody will be hunting with them so again I don't see it as a big deal. Maybe I'm missing something.
Here is the email I sent.

I think WY SF0118 is a negative to the state and just tells everyone that our wildlife is for sale to the highest bidder. There are more than enough legal ways for a landowner to profit off the wildlife of Wyoming. Run an outfitting service for that species on your land, offer trespass fees for that species on your land, don't want to do that, lease the hunting rights out to an outfitter who will do all the work. If the goal of sellable landowner licenses is to make money, there's your opportunities, many of them.
Unfortunately I think what the goal is, is to get resell able landowner licenses and then send those people off to hunt on public land, not on their ranch even, so double dipping, make money by reselling the license, then not letting them hunt the land that provided the license, and then doing trespass hunts and outfitting on that land. So sell the public resource, then make the public land resource carry the extra weight of the additional hunters.

The only way I see WY SF0118 working is if 2 items are mandatory, if you obtain a landowner license, that license is only valid on the land that was used to obtain that license. No one should be able to hunt any National Forest, BLM, Bankhead Jones, WGFD, or State of Wyoming public land with a resold landowner license. 2nd would be that if any landowner were to receive a license for a species and sell that license, they would be exempt from buying another license for the same species. They had a license for that species and opted to sell it for a profit, and by doing that they should forfeit the opportunity to buy or apply for another license for that species.

I thank you for your time and service to this great State of Wyoming,