Sublet County Question,
I hunted the area twice and you are correct on the vast amount of game. Can you tell me if opioid epidemic has hit this area? I heard some rough unconfirmed roomers about drug abuse in this part of the west. Years ago I did see anti-crystal meth billboard warnings on the HWY. Heard a story of a Lumber/Hardware chain pulling the plug on a proposed location because the work force could not pass a drug screen. I noticed a lot of closed business and thriving liquor stores and bars. One local cowboy gave me his perspective on the Pinedale area and the impact money has had on the town. He said something like following: "When the billionaires moved into Jackson Hole they made millionaires out of the folks that sold out. These new money people flush with cash moved to Pinedale. Paying top dollar for land from the local ranches that had some land but little money. The locals having never been so well off, now had more money than ever and did not know how to handle the prosperity. The result being they party too much." Is drug and alcohol abuse really so bad, or is this problem overstated and overblown?