Shop carefully for a place you can afford. It likely will be some distance from a larger city or a recreational center or ski area. I'm only 18 miles from town but found it difficult to get people to visit even for free beer.
I don't wish to be near any of those things. And assume at least a 2hr drive to Kalispell for supplies bimonthly or the like. MT is a second choice from Alaska. So that is where my mind is at. Lincoln county seems doable comparatively. I'm not having to fly or boat anything in.
As far as visitors. I expect friends and family to visit on occasion. But have no illusions of a social life. I'm fairly introverted. And content with just my wife and I. Alaska was the first choice.
Taking my time is definitely what I am doing now. I don't expect to buy anything until early next year. And I've been following real estate prices and offerings for 2 years. And doing research. I haven't even had serious discussions with my cousin who lives in Libby. She's elderly and I don't want to overload her with questions until we know we are actually going to buy. But she and her husband are a wealth of knowledge and contacts. That will be very valuable to us.
In the meantime we have a long stay this summer to late fall planned. It's not winter. But I need to be able to get around and look at things.
My biggest concerns are property rights, zoning laws, environmental limitations (I've missed properties in WA from salmon spawning grounds in the tiniest little ditch water you could ever imagine.), water, setting up an off grid system (As I would love to have power. But not counting on it. Although a couple properties I have found have access. But at what cost? I have no idea if that means burying cable or paying for electrical poles? Or how out of reach that is financially?), mineral and water rights are becoming more clear, snow removal and 4x4 access is a big one (All of our vehicles are capable 4x4. And we have experience four wheeling in logging roads as far as the snow will allow us.), what kind of access I need to have a modular home or similar delivered and erected (traditional stick home seems out of my league financially), hunting and fishing is of course important to me but I have no illusions of being in the migratory path of large game. That's going to take some traveling and exploration, I build rifles. I would really like to have a range of some sort. Not over 100 yds but similar would be nice. The social aspect of joining a membership range appeals to me. I just don't want to be bothered test firing or sighting in on my own property.
Beyond that I want to know - what I don't know. Which is the only area that has ever tripped me up in life.
I usually end every important discussion with "What am I not asking that I should be?".