Wyoming help


Feb 26, 2012
Western Washington
I've been wanting to take my dad and brother on an out-of-state deer hunt. I did some research a few years back and decided on Wyoming. At the time I was looking at Region G. I purchased a point for each of us in the summer of 11, but got busy last year and didn't do anything. I was just looking on the Wyoming web page, and I think it showed that Region G took 3 points last year. I assume the points needed will only increase over the next few years, so we're still probably a few years out. I guess my question is whether I should be looking at different regions? My dad is 67 but still in relativley good shape. He likes to get out and hunt, but probably needs some areas where he can just drive around. We aren't looking for the biggest deer. We definitely would choose quantity over quality. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I'd suspect G will continue to take 3+ points, maybe 2 if you apply in the special. You can't miss a year of applying.
You might consider another region also for you dad. I understand he's in good shape but region G and H eat 25 year olds for breakfast. Steep country. Now some of the stuff in southern G isn't that way and maybe that's what you're thinking.

If you don't need B&C potential, there are other regions like K that you can draw and have areas he can drive around. Any Wyoming guys care to elaborate on a region that might better fit?
I'd suspect G will continue to take 3+ points, maybe 2 if you apply in the special. You can't miss a year of applying.
You might consider another region also for you dad. I understand he's in good shape but region G and H eat 25 year olds for breakfast. Steep country.

Plus as you know Robby, there's no bucks in H. :cool:
When I first looked into G I was told that I could pretty much find any type of terrain I wanted to hunt, from steep and nasty, to areas where you could just road hunt. This sounded about perfect, as we want to be able to hunt hard, but also just enjoy camp around the truck. I have region K and H both written down from my notes back then, but not too much info. I'll look into K a bit more.
I also just read there's a good chance the price for nonresidents might be going up significantly. Any info on this?
Yes they keep pushing to have nr tag prices raised, it was voted down the first time. Like other have said if you miss a year of buying points you will lose all your points.
If I miss a year of applying, I lose all my points? I just looked briefly at their website, and couldn't find where it said anything about this. If wer're back to zero, I guess I have other states to consider.
G and H are both good areas, but like Robby said,pretty steep. The September 15th opening day is nice weather wise too.

My Dad in his 50s still does it, but he keeps talking about horses.....
After doing more research, I see that different regions have different openning days, like Region H on Sept. 15th and region K on Oct. 1. I can't find where it says how long each hunt is open, though. Are they all open the same number of days or are some regions open longer than others? I really like the idea of planning a hunt for the first week or two of October, as that would fall between my early archery and my dad's deer camp here. Again, thanks for all the help.