Wyoming General D Deer tag odds


Nov 15, 2017
I put in as a second choice for a Wyoming General D tag and I currently have 2 points. What would you think my odds are? I got to get away this year so not worried about killing anything just the experience. Also I don't know crap about what I'm doing so any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, sorry like I said I have no idea what I'm doing.
No problem. We all have a lot to learn. Some of us just started earlier. Best of luck in the draw. I only have one point for deer so have no chance to draw in the unit where I am elk hunting. I put in for a reduced price doe/fawn tag. I have a much greater chance to draw the doe/fawn tag, its only $50ish and it won't take my points and the odds are much better. If drawn I'll still get to experience hunting/camping and will learn a little more about hunting and the unit.
I put in as a second choice for a Wyoming General D tag and I currently have 2 points. What would you think my odds are? I got to get away this year so not worried about killing anything just the experience. Also I don't know crap about what I'm doing so any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
If draw odds remain similar to 2019, you won't draw on a second choice. All of the tags last year wen't out in the first round. However, things can and do change. Typically areas get easier to draw but I did see several elk areas change odds for the better this year while many others got harder.
You may want to look at draw odds more if you want to hunt this year. G and H your only shot will be in the random draw if you put it as first choice. I didn’t look up region D but if you put that as first choice you will lose your points when you draw it.