Wyoming drop camp recommendation

Jul 14, 2017
I will be going into next years draw with 4 points and would love to get the most out of my time there. Does anyone recommend an outfitter that offers drop camps with decent success rates. Thanks in advance

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In all of the country I know on the west side and all the outfitters I’m familiar with I don’t know any who offer drops. I tried to make arrangements for one with an outfitter. But the forest service wouldn’t authorize it. After that we tried to work out a plan for him to pack my gear in. They still said no. The outfitter wanted to do it but the answer was no go. If you want a guided hunt PM me and I’ll point you toward a good outfitter in a great area. Good luck!
Google turns up some outfitters that do drop camps. Wildman Adventures comes up for one.
In all of the country I know on the west side and all the outfitters I’m familiar with I don’t know any who offer drops. I tried to make arrangements for one with an outfitter. But the forest service wouldn’t authorize it. After that we tried to work out a plan for him to pack my gear in. They still said no. The outfitter wanted to do it but the answer was no go. If you want a guided hunt PM me and I’ll point you toward a good outfitter in a great area. Good luck!
Was that in a wilderness area or something because I have NEVER heard of USFS dictate what an Outfitter could provide as long as he has a permit for said area.
Was that in a wilderness area or something because I have NEVER heard of USFS dictate what an Outfitter could provide as long as he has a permit for said area.
Non wilderness. Every permit is similar. But every permit also contains an operating plan specific to the area. The most important factors are the number of available user days and whether they are overnight (pack in) or day use (lodge/hotel). They also spell out the authorized use for each camp. How many hunters and guides in camp at one time, how many head of livestock can be kept overnight. There’s also a floor plan showing the layout of camp. Every tent, fire pit etc. and most importantly where the horse corral and the shitter goes.

The USFS is federal and that stuff should be uniform policy whether you’re in a Wyoming national forest or one in Pennsylvania. But as new rangers come into the picture they chip away at operating plans lots of times. Remember this is the Forest Service not Fish and Game. A good number of those folks literally hug trees and they don’t want you to kill a blade of grass let alone a beautiful wild and free elk. Whoever the permit administrator is in that forest is tough because I tried more than one outfitter and the answer was the same for all of them: No! I started with “Would you he interested in packing me in with my own gear” No! Ok how about an actual outfitted hunt where I pay for a drop and use their gear? No! And believe me the outfitters wanted the business and tried.

In a way it wasn’t hard to accept. I put a high value on good elk hunting. If every one of us DIY guys could shell out a little money to be packed into the back country no good can come of it. Instead I can base camp and with some effort, or by leasing horses, have some good hunting in undisturbed places. I’ve guided for a couple of the outfits in that region and have friends who live and guide there too. None of the outfits we’ve worked with do drop camps. If you jumped ship to another ranger district that might change. But the quality of hunting might too. I like to think my cup is half full. I’ll find out because I leave next Saturday.
That's crazy how they dictate or BEND the law in different districts. Yea you would think it would be statewide. Good info to know. I am a diy guy myself. Have absolutely nothing against guides or outfitters in any way. I got burned bad on a GUIDED ELK hunt in Colorado years ago and I SWORE to myself that I would NEVER pay another penny to anyone to hunt LAND WE ALREADY OWN. Logistics sometimes stops what can and can't be done on your own and I have accepted that. I currently have 3pts for Wyoming and planning maybe next year. Thanks for your info.