Wyoming diy with 3 points


Mar 20, 2025
So a buddy and I have applied 3 years running in some low tier units . We are really hopeful this year . My questions are 1. Should we do the special draw ? 2 how accurate are the draw probabilities from the on x app with elite membership . We are just as interested in the trip . It will be diy truck/wall tent camp setup and fan out each day type of hunt we really want to go at this as a team . Setting aside 14 days . We have a 23hr drive prior to arrival. I’ve done out of state diy whitetail hunt very similar to this . Any information from yall would be greatly appreciated by this eastern hunter !
wyo game and fish has the hunt planner on their website, pick through units and analyze draw odds with special and with out. If it looks like the extra $ for special will get you a draw on something you want and it’s worth it to you do it. That’s a decision you’ll have to make. Can’t speak on the accuracy of any apps. All draw odds/harvest statistics info is free and accurate on every western states F&G website.
So a buddy and I have applied 3 years running in some low tier units . We are really hopeful this year . My questions are 1. Should we do the special draw ? 2 how accurate are the draw probabilities from the on x app with elite membership . We are just as interested in the trip . It will be diy truck/wall tent camp setup and fan out each day type of hunt we really want to go at this as a team . Setting aside 14 days . We have a 23hr drive prior to arrival. I’ve done out of state diy whitetail hunt very similar to this . Any information from yall would be greatly appreciated by this eastern hunter !
A lot of these lower tier units are ok to hunt. Generally speaking there are antelope in some capacity in much of WY. I live in Wyoming, as does pretty much the entirety of my hunting party. We drew one of those easy to draw units last year, and we hunted our asses off for the antelope we did get. If the special draw could get you a shot at a better unit I’d absolutely give it a try and then you have a fallback plan.

I assume you’re rifle hunting. If so, in these areas like you’re describing 14 days is a pretty good idea. Your odds of harvesting in that timespan with a rifle are fairly decent. Bring yourselves shotguns too and buy a small game license too, just in case you get a little bit bored or your hunt is finished early. Just be sure to check the regs.

If you pm me with the specific area(s) in question I can try to provide more information if you would like.
The corner crossing ruling will greatly skue odds in units that are full of checkerboarding.
Make sure to plan on this in your scouting. Unless your looking for 75” plus animals, I can’t imagine you not getting an opportunity at a respectable antelope in that time frame
Obviously, the answer to those questions depends on where you are hunting. If you are hunting in an area with antelope, there is no way you will go home empty-handed. If you hunt that many days.

Hunting elk and big mule deer the name of the game is always laying eyes on them in the first place. Antelope are easy to spot out on the flats. But if they aren’t there, they aren’t there.

The west side herds took a serious hit recently so over there all bets are off. If you’re hunting the east half of the state you should be fine. I drive the same distance you do to get to my hunting areas. If you can swing one trip out there before your hunt to do some scouting, it would be a huge advantage.