Wy… no points … dropped 2k

NM you have to pay upfront like WY. With a sheep tag being $3200, oryx $1600, etc it adds up fast when you apply for multiple species.

When we don’t have a good hunt locked in that year, I apply the fam and myself for NM. It’s around $20k for the 3 of us.
Yes, but a much shorter length of time for them to hold your money (usually can be floated in one credit card billing cycle). The issue with Wyoming is the MONTHS they hold your money for no good reason but to stay at the front of the line.

Only if you apply at the last minute. If you apply now, you're giving NM an interest free loan.
I never got too involved with Wyoming. How long do they hold my money ?? I'm looking.... 1 or 2 tags for non-residents... definately an interest free loan.