WY BLM camping snakes

not likely to see them in the truck 😂

Depends on time of year and location. I’ve had 15 snake days by rock springs and in the same area a month later no snakes. Last time by Casper I saw the biggest rattlesnake I’ve seen in WY while chasing pronghorn.

If you see them don’t be a dick and kill them for no reason.
I am that guy. We kill several a year around our place. My wife "shoveld" one last week in the yard that the dog was enamoured with.

I have given them a pass before but now I think of hunters out there belly crawling up on antelope or just sitting and glassing... so I put them out of their misery. (The rattler 😁)
Interesting for sure. I have lived in RS since 1997. I work outside everyday. I have seen a total of 0 rattlesnakes anywhere I would consider around RS. My son and in-laws saw 2 pygmy rattlers along the Gorge south of Green River a couple years ago. I have seen no more than maybe 3 bull snakes in this area, along the base of White Mnt.

Get over by Rawlins and its a different story for sure.
Or in my yard.
I am that guy. We kill several a year around our place. My wife "shoveld" one last week in the yard that the dog was enamoured with.

I have given them a pass before but now I think of hunters out there belly crawling up on antelope or just sitting and glassing... so I put them out of their misery. (The rattler 😁)
I can understand if they are in ones yard but to senselessly kill them is ignorant.
I am that guy. We kill several a year around our place. My wife "shoveld" one last week in the yard that the dog was enamoured with.

I have given them a pass before but now I think of hunters out there belly crawling up on antelope or just sitting and glassing... so I put them out of their misery. (The rattler 😁)
Thank you for clarifying that part. I was getting a bit concerned...🤣
Talking with the guy who woke up with a rattlesnake coiled up on his chest under the sleeping bag - apparently it wakes you up quickly and you have to do a gut check to either freak out and risk a bite, or be unnaturally quiet/calm and carefully open the sleeping bag and wait for the snake to peacefully leave on it’s own. Lol
This literally made my palms sweat reading this.... 💀
A couple years ago we were hunting BLM in Eastern WY for antelope. Lots of goats there! When I asked what they call this area, my friend (a local) replied, Rattlesnake Mound. Yep, it was aptly named! I don't think I would use a tarp or sleep on the ground without a barrier in any of that territory.
Yup. I see or hear them regularly. We have an understanding, they don't bite me and I don't shoot them. Worked great so far.

That’s my approach as well for snakes and other critters.

My bird dogs went on point one day in some thicker cover and when I went in for the flush I was a few feet from a skunk who was turned and ready, but didn’t spray. I figure, if the skunk gave me a pass, I’d give it one too.
Beware of falling asleep on a waterhole! I woke up and had one coiled up next to my head! Several buddies have also had them slither into ground blinds with them.
It will be fine. I’ll argue most of the snake in my sleeping bag or snake on my chest or crotch or head or back tales are tales. They dont make too much sense if you give them much thought. It could happen but even if it did happen they're not vicious murderers. Humans aren't in their diet.
How many hunters or firefighters die every year from bedtime snake bites?