Wy. Area 88

Yeah, I am in this area alot so I put in for it, Well I drew and it is not that great of a tag, Way too much private land for me. About the only public is in the forest service, But that might be a little high for a speed goat. If you could get permision from one of the large ranches it would be a good tag. There is much better tags in Wy.
I normally put in for 87, but doesn't 88 go up into south cottonwood? seen a few good bucks up there in the archery season, doubt their in there now with rifle on.
Yeah, I found a cool rancher that let me hunt his land right on the forest boundry and found a 15 1/2" goat that scored right at 80"
He is the biggest I have seen in that area, the rancher told me that they have taken big gaots in years past.
I'll get some pics up here soon