WOW, I drew MO

Awesome, how did you find out? I applied as well and haven’t heard anything. Maybe that means I lose.

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I've heard of other people using scent attractants with some level of success. Spray on waffle scent was one. Might be worth a try if legal.

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Locate a concentrated natural food source such as a good acorn crop, put out some trail cameras, maybe try a fawn in distress call.
Its posted on their website. I am gonna try scents, they are legal. May try a call, will see. Salts and minerals are legal to but no confidence in that for anything, let alone a bear.
Man I'm so jealous I wanted that tag bad. Keep us updated on your scouting adventures so I can live vicariously through you. So cool.
I dont think I will get to scout much, and heck I dont even know where to hunt. A guy I know has family in the area so gonna start there and see how it pans out. I so wish I cold bait.
Could you do a honey burn without breaking any laws?
Wish it wasn’t resident only tags, I’d be trying to come over.
Scout, scout and scout some more; you need to find the time. Look for various food sources (ex: acorns, berries, etc.). Look for fresh sign and see what they’ve been eating. Find those food sources. Do know that their desired food source can change in a heartbeat.

Contact your game and fish department and talk with a biologist. They may give some insight.
Awesome, how did you find out? I applied as well and haven’t heard anything. Maybe that means I lose.

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You can sign on to the MDC website and look up your applications. I was unsuccessful as well.

To the OP, congratulations, hope you can find one somewhere. Seems to be more and more sightings recently. But still a needle in a massive haystack. Good luck!
thanks guys. Im not sure about a honey burn. scents are legal, but honey isnt. I am inquiring about some of the liquid scents but havnt got a answer yet. If not I will go with bear bomb type stuff. Will also look at food sources.
It would have been so helpful if they hadnt started season on a monday, why, why would they do that. unreal
If you haven’t already read, listen, and watch all of Clay Newcomb’s stuff on the so-called “sheep hunt of the south”. Killing a bear in the Missouri ozarks should be about the same as killing one in the Arkansas and Oklahoma ozarks and Ouachitas. In his old Bear Hunting Magazine Podcast he had a couple episodes dedicated to how to get it done without bait or the ability to glass.
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Thanks, I will check him out.
unit 2 is in the southeast part of the state, but I will be up in the ozark mnts area
What is the nearest town you’ll be hunting near? I have a very strong hunting posse all over Missouri.
immenence I believe. never been in that area before. I have a couple names of conservation agents in the area I am gonna call. Plan on hunting shannon county
i found the newcomb pod cast but cant find the hunting without bait etc pod. still lots of great info