Have a high end scope (Swarovski) and middle of the road binos (razor, bx-5) or middle of the road scope (VX-3i) and high end binos? Hunting open area elk and mule deer.
With the advancement of optics in the past few years it isn’t really a binary choice. Today a guy could get very good binos (Nikon HG, GPO, etc) and a very good scope (Tract, SWFA, Leupold) for about the same price as an Alpha glass bino.
Binos. For most hunting, you use them way more.
You can get most of the performance of the highest end optics at a fraction of the price these days - which did not used to be the case. Instead of spending $4-5k on optics, I'd shoot to cut that at least in half to start and see what you like. Now there is certainly something to be said for "buy once cry once", hut you should at least have a good idea of what system fits your style before dropping the bigger coin.
That said - I love my 30 year old swaro 8x30's and will also likely never replace them (knock wood). I carry an old meopta spotter as well. I have less than a grand into the pair. You don't need the best optics in on the planet to fill your tags, but it certainly is nice some times I have used binos and scopes from all the top brands and have been surprised at how truly good some of the new 'midrange' stuff that is accessible to mere mortal checkbooks.
Get good glass for both. You have to decide what is worth it to you.
You need a VX-3 or better level scope for it to be reliable and give decent low light ability.
I'd consider Meopta for both scope & binoculars. Good bang for your buck.
Make sure you can shoot and make the first and only shot opp you get. This year I got mine and my buddy muffed a couple opps - 3x3 then 2x2 and would not check his zero until hunt was over. All the glass in the world can't help you hit.