Would you keep a cow moose hide?

Jan 6, 2023
If you drew a OIL moose tag, for a cow. Would you spend the time and money to get the hide tanned? And is so what would you ever do with it?
I killed a nice bull Moose in BC and got the whole hide tanned hair on. Did European on the head. The hide is very impressive. Super long hair but it does take up a lot of room.
No. Not unless you’re going to make something with it and you’re not going to eat it. That’s the problem I have with CO bear tags is that you have to bring the hide in. It’s just going in the dumpster after cpw has their way with it. I just don’t need more useless crap in my house.
I'm leaning towards tanning it hair off and doing some trading with some folks that do leather work. I hate to leave something like, but on the other hand having it rolled up in a closet is just as big of waste in my mind.
I had both of my daughters' first whitetail bucks tanned with hair on so they have something more than a pic to remember the hunt.

My late brother had his one and only cow elk tanned with hair on, and I plan to drape at least part of it over my pedestal when I get my bull back from taxi.
First cow elk hide is laying over the back of my couch as I type this . I look at it frequently and it brings the whole experience back .
Yea , do it !
No. Not unless you’re going to make something with it and you’re not going to eat it. That’s the problem I have with CO bear tags is that you have to bring the hide in. It’s just going in the dumpster after cpw has their way with it. I just don’t need more useless crap in my house.
Why not sell the hide? You are throwing away a couple hundred bucks.
Had the hide of my cow moose tanned with the hair on. Turned out really well and fits well with the bear, deer, and elk in the house. One of each!
In the 70s and 80s I had lot of elk hides tanned as it was affordable and handy. From them I made chaps, coats, mittens, shirts and varius items I still use.

I don't know about moose but elkhide is warm and lasts forever. You used to be able to get them tanned to chap weight to match the use. I still have scraps that I use for repairs on varius items including gloves.
I say yes! They look great hung on a wall or over a banister. You could have it tanned hair off also and take the tanned hide to a taylor and have a shirt made. I want to do that with an elk hide one of these days.
Absolutely . If you cherish the memories like I do , every time you look at it it will bring the whole experience back . I have a cow elk hide on the couch that takes me back to to the mountain in Colorado......