Would you have an nearly identical set up as a backup?

Would you have a nearly identical set-up (sight, rest, bow, stabilizer) as your back-up and/or different arrow set-up?

Or would you just go completely different? Only ask cause I can get a nearly identical set up to my bow for a very good price and been toying around with the idea of another bow to have.
I have two bows, Hoyt Axius and Alpha X2. Set up on each is similar but one arrow is~520 and the other will be ~450. If I'm 12+ hours from home and do something to my bow atkeast I'm have another to use immediately.

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I have an old Hoyt alphatec bow 70# 30" draw, can pick it up and hit what I am aiming at. I had to use it one year when shooting at a turkey my mathews cam struck my deer stand cable, bummer.
The next was and '89 V6 with winch and roll bar ala Marty McFly. We keep an eye out for anything like those, but golly did they jump up in price since 2000 when I had mine.
I bought my '89 SR5 xtracab V6 manual 36 years ago. I was offered $10k for it a few times in the last several years. I only paid $15k for it new. It started running like crap a few months ago and I wasn't sure what was going on but it was undriveable. Then I noticed the tach not moving at all when I revved it up, and the charging gauge was sitting around 10 volts. Put a new alternator in it a couple weeks ago, and it's running smooth again. That alternator was 26 years old. Love this truck.
I bought my '89 SR5 xtracab V6 manual 36 years ago. I was offered $10k for it a few times in the last several years. I only paid $15k for it new. It started running like crap a few months ago and I wasn't sure what was going on but it was undriveable. Then I noticed the tach not moving at all when I revved it up, and the charging gauge was sitting around 10 volts. Put a new alternator in it a couple weeks ago, and it's running smooth again. That alternator was 26 years old. Love this truck.
My parents "gave" it to an uncle to use as their lake get around truck at their little private community in the mountains. I've tried to buy it from them a few times and tell them how much better a golf cart would be, but haven't been able to get that door cracked open.
I want to know how many guys have had a bow fail on them in the woods to the point that their hunt would be over if they didn't have a backup?

For me that has never happened, but maybe I just don't hunt hard enough. I did cut halfway through a string once with a broadhead one year but still killed a bull with it. 🤷‍♂️
Same guys that drop their rifles all day.
Same guys that drop their rifles all day.
I had it happen with my wife. Something as simple as putting torque into the grip or drawing with gloves on (slippery) or having the string getting caught on the cam. I've only seen the torque input cause a derail, but speaking with my bow shop, fairly common failure with the other things.

I've had a rest fail. I normally carry a whisker biscuit in my archery bag just in case I have to have something.

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I've had a rest fail. I normally carry a whisker biscuit in my archery bag just in case I have to have something.
Not while hunting, but I had a Limbdriver Pro V completely blow apart, and was dangling by the cord at a 3D shoot. I was done for the day, and done with Pro V's.

I don't take an extra bow when I go hunting, so I'd have to come home either way to either fix the bow or grab a backup.

And there's a reason why I use SH Hunter sights. I've done my own testing, and if they can take my abuse, they're good to go.
Definitely a lot of pros to having the same setup especially looking at consistency, if I had the money I definitely would!
Not while hunting, but I had a Limbdriver Pro V completely blow apart, and was dangling by the cord at a 3D shoot. I was done for the day, and done with Pro V's.

I don't take an extra bow when I go hunting, so I'd have to come home either way to either fix the bow or grab a backup.

And there's a reason why I use SH Hunter sights. I've done my own testing, and if they can take my abuse, they're good to go.
I agree on the SH stuff. Bullet proof... but when I'm 12 hours from home, which would be 2 days of driving for me, I like to have a spare.

For the last few years, I haven't had one, but my buddy and I have the same DL and set up. He brought an extra, so we had one backup.

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