Worst part of reloading?

Worst or most tedious part of reloading

  • Brass prep ( sizing, chamfer, primer pockets)

  • Priming

  • Powder measuring

  • Seating bullets to desired depth

  • Annealing

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Are the Henderson, Giraud or new hornady powered trimmers the only way or is there a more budget friendly trimmer that cuts time over the super manual ones? I only really shoot .223 and 6.5cm in high volume.
Love my Lyman Xpress trimmer. No it’s NOT a Henderson or Giraurd, but it is still very fast. Took me a few cases to get the feel but after that it was fast. Finished the cases on a Lyman case prep tool. I don’t mind brass prep anymore. No, they’re not the uber latest bestest $1500 investment but they are very good for the money.
Are the Henderson, Giraud or new hornady powered trimmers the only way or is there a more budget friendly trimmer that cuts time over the super manual ones? I only really shoot .223 and 6.5cm in high volume.
I went from a hand crank manual to the giraud so I can’t comment on any Others.
So I usually deprime, clean then resize. I have some 21st century mandrels that I tried and I saw no noticeable difference. I do on new brass run my mandrel just to true the neck without sizing. Is the doughnut you are talking about, the very last 1/16" of an inch that isn't sized using a bushing die?

The mandrel just allows a little more control. Works good with 223 dented necks too.

The doughnut at the bottom of the neck, from a combination of the brass build up from the shoulder and the hump left by the bushing. The sac with the mandrel seems to smooth this out pretty well, with enough size control that your kit pulling shoulders.

I clean anneal and size, gets zipped through the giraud and loaded. Everything goes pretty quick.
I’m not a fan of the Giraud. It’s a Rube Goldberg contraption. A bit crude and unrefined for what it costs, imo. If your bushing is for a standard cartridge (non mag) and has the little spring loaded insert thingy, there is excessive slop, the case mouth doesn’t hit the cutter square and it’s hard to get a uniform chamfer all around the mouth. You gotta rotate the case multiple times around to get it even. Kinda frustrating to me.
Really wish I could walk outside and do load dev. I hate the long cycle of going to the range testing then coming home to load a batch. My time away from the house is limited with a young kid and this part is the hardest to get done.

Yes I’ve simplified the process….pressure ladder, pick load & shoot groups to confirm accuracy goals, move on. I don’t do OCW, seating depth, etc.

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All the misinformation you read on the internet
Like guys that regurgitate how seating depth matters, but don't have proof? :unsure:

I'd have to say the most tedious part is powder charge, since I use an RCBS chargemaster and charge just below and trickle up on a beam. I'd really like to get an fx-120i and autotrickler setup but I'm a cheap ass.
Like guys that regurgitate how seating depth matters, but don't have proof? :unsure:

I'd have to say the most tedious part is powder charge, since I use an RCBS chargemaster and charge just below and trickle up on a beam. I'd really like to get an fx-120i and autotrickler setup but I'm a cheap ass.
I have a charge master and still spot check on my beam. It is very rarely off and usually throws within .1ish of my desired charge weight. My buddy has the fx scale and I borrowed it for a week of reloading. I didn't see anything alarming with my charge master. I have read of horror stories, but I'd say they are isolated.
Are the Henderson, Giraud or new hornady powered trimmers the only way or is there a more budget friendly trimmer that cuts time over the super manual ones? I only really shoot .223 and 6.5cm in high volume.

Forster sells 3-in-1 cutting heads for their trimmer and you can set an adapter on the hand crank to use a cordless drill to spin. The 3-in-1 heads aren't cheap either and if a guy had to buy em for a bunch of calibers it would add up in a hurry. 1 or 2 would still be a fair bit cheaper.

Im invested in my giraud enough to let it be but if starting from scratch id give the new hornady setup a hard look. Likely the most economical of the 3 and might even be the best - haven't used so cant confirm but i like the design in theory.
I basically only use the giraud trimmer when brass is new and isn't already chamferred/deburred and once it grows enough to where it might create contact with the start of the throat. If I had to trim more that would probably be my least favorite.

I hate annealing most because I have a OG annealeeze and setup is pretty clunky. I used to do it more, now its more like only after 5x firings and if a guy uses big enough batches of brass 5x firings takes a long time!

Have neck trimmed wildcats to give enough chamber clearance and when i was new to reloading because i thought it might help. To hell with doing that anymore.. If I cant find good enough brass without turning necks, i dont need that chambering. Way too slow.
I’ve invested a lot of Monet in an AMP annealer and AutoTrickler V Four and do not have a single regret.

I need to step it up and invest in a Hornady or Henderson trimmer.

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Brass prep of small lil 222 and 223 cases, especially if I'm doing a big batch for a prairie dog trip. Tedius stuff. Even worse if I need to trim them all first.
Primers weren't quite flush on a large batch of recently loaded ammo, 300+ rounds. Decided to get cute and reseat the primers without pulling the bullets and powder to "save time."
I've reseated a few with a hand primer very, very slowly. I put on glasses and earmuffs just in case that happens. I've wondered with direction the bullet would go if it went off.

Glad you're OK!
Worst part is when you reload a bunch for someone cause theyre like: yeah lets shoot and have fun.

Then they bail after a cpl months and youve got nothing to load for anymore.
forgetting to properly label the rounds you just loaded, particularly a with a variety of different charges for working up a load.

I intended to go shoot right after loading. Something came up.

A week later--which of these have 25gr? Which are 25.5gr?

Had to start all over.
forgetting to properly label the rounds you just loaded, particularly a with a variety of different charges for working up a load.

I intended to go shoot right after loading. Something came up.

A week later--which of these have 25gr? Which are 25.5gr?

Had to start all over.
Thats what sharpie's are for. I write the powder and charge right on the brass when doing load dev.

I've had to pull bullets and start over because I couldn't remember what I put in them. LOL