Worst part of reloading?

Worst or most tedious part of reloading

  • Brass prep ( sizing, chamfer, primer pockets)

  • Priming

  • Powder measuring

  • Seating bullets to desired depth

  • Annealing

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None of the above. I don't think I mind any of it at all. Especially annealing because I don't do it and I don't clean primer pockets anymore either. Autotrickler makes powder measuring easy. I think that covers it :)
Fire forming.
Love to shoot but I have a few I need to do that with and now days it gets costly.
Load development. It used to be be favorite part. Now that I am older, have less time,and shoulder issues it is more of a pita. Problem is my OCD won't let me stop until I am shooting 1/2 moa or better with my preferred bullet. At least I am past the working up 3 different loads for every gun stage.
Every part of process is simple and with ease with proper tools and a system in place for your options to pick. So all equal for i…With saying that the financial aspect to get there. Being able to make tuned freedom seeds whenever…priceless
Brass prep is the submerged part of the ice berg. It's hard to appreciate the enormity of controlling case dimension and it can turn your world upside down when it goes awry.
I don't mind any part at all, some more time consuming than other parts, but that is just part of the process. Not much in life can really be accomplished correctly with the push of a button. Seems that more people now days have no patience.